Back to the Start Chapter 12

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Ok as you can notice about the change of the title. Instead of Yusei Love Story it is now gonna be Yugioh 5ds fan fiction...because their are way more people and CharacterXmade up character other than Yusei...-_-...oh i have a question what is the difference between OC's and Rpc's? I never understood like rpc's replace an original character and oc's are just random people?......oh sorry it took so long to upload for those who read it.


"What are we gonna do Yusei?" Alex asked Yusei as Yusei laid on his bed thinking about what has happened. "We are suppose to sneak out tonight!"

"Look Alex. My friend right now is in the medical center out of the blue and I have got a lot of stuff on my mind so sneaking out and ditching my friends is not in my nature nor on my mind!" Yusei snapped turning his back to his room mate. There was a ruckus going on outside the cells. Reacting Yusei and Alex outside the window and see Tanner getting thrown onto the floor. "This can't be good.."

"ALRIGHT EVERYBODY LISTEN UP! We found some magizens in Tanner's cell and until we found out who gave them to him in one hour if not, ya'll are gonna be put in Permanent Lockdown! So if I was ya'll I start talking to his friends!"

"What?!" Alex along with all the other inmates besides Yusei who just glared at Armstrong.

"There are no magizens! We both no that!" Shouted Yusei to the officer.

"Haha! No magazines?! So I am punishing Tanner cause I feel like it?!" replied the man laughing

"I don't know why you are doing this, but I do know that Tanner wouldn't do anything wrong! You are abusing your athourity Armstrong!"

"Wow! So now you are accusing me I am being mean and unfair?! That really hurts my feelings! Come on show me the love and tell you are sorry Satalite!"

Jason looked at Armstrong with a raised eyebrow, "finally came out of the closet? About time!"

Guy was leaning against the wall trying to not laugh at Jason's side comment. "Shut up before we get sucked in. It is better to view from afar."

Yusei however was silent causeing the officer to smile and say, "well I can't walk away letting you getting away with calling me a liar. So to prove I am a resonable man I'll let you duel me out here when your fellow inmates can watch. If you win I will pardon Tanner's offence but if I win-"

"Then no one but me gets put into Lockdown!" interupted Yusei making all the inmates say Huh? and murmmer amongst themselves.

"Fine! We duel at 8 o'clock sharp dont be late!"

"Don't worry I won't!"

"Wait tonight?!" asked Alex, "but tonight-"


"Huh?" Alex asked running to the window.

"Check it out this old guy gots cards stashed everywhere!" said one of the two officers holding Yanagi, as he pulled and showed Armstrong the cards.

"NO DON'T TAKE THEM!!! PLEASE THEY ARE ME TREASURES!!" Yanagi protested while Armstrong grinned at the struggleing inmate.

"All right inmates enjoy what most likely seem your last hour of freedom!" Armstrong laughed as he walked away with Yanagi's deck.

Jason clutched the bars of the window making them groan from his grip and his teeth gritted, "yeah your strong fat ass! You pick on the ones in bars! Well how about letting us out and show us what kind of man you really are!?"

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