Back to the Start Chapter 1

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"Are you sure this is a good idea? You could get caught."

"Nervin you're about to get caught by my fist if you say those two things again," shouted Night who was well more than irritated with the blue dredded glasses guy. Rally sat on the edge of the deck swinging his legs over the water laughing. Tank was nodding with Night as he stuffed his face with donuts while Blitz massaged his forehead an failing attempt of trying to be rid of the head ache that came upon his head due to the two argueing. Yusei was busy looking at the city across the border line of water lost in thought.

"WOULD YOU TWO SHUT UP," shouted Blitz who couldn't take the two anymore. Everyone, but Yusei, looked at Blitz and fell deadly silent.

"Aw does Bwitz have a wittle head ach? Tat means he finallwy got a bwain," said Night doing a baby face at Blitz. He just glared at the blonde red highlighted 16 year old. She just laughed and turned back to the water and splashing the water with her feet as she sits next to Rally.

"Hey Yusei, not to bring up old wounds, but what are you going to do if you run into Star?" asked Tank, who secretly has been missing the old friend who some how made them all laugh. Everyone tensed up at the mention of the girl who had left them without a good-bye.

Yusei didn't turn from the water, but they could tell he was tense and stone faced, "I don't know Tank. I might act like she isn't there. My main concern is getting Stardust Dragon back."

Night clenched the edge of the deck and gritted her teeth. Night and Star had been extremely close until Star left. The fact that she left didn't bother to say good-bye or tell why she was leaving and where bothered Night the most. Yusei was like a brother to her and Star had the nerve to break his heart, because at the time they were dating. At least as far as Night knew, every time they brought up the dating factor Yusei seemed to feel awkward like his friends were missing something.

"Well if I run into her I'm gonna leave my mark on her pretty face." seethed Night the wood of the deck began to creak and pieces of wood fell off the deck making Rally look nervous and scoot away.

"Night, calm down you're gonna break the deck not Star's face," said Blitz stiffening.

"You don't know what kind of creatures live under the water. They are probably mutated due to all the chemicals in the water," said Nervin as he closed in on himself and scooted towards the cement a few feet away.

"Guys quit it. Night you do need to calm down you are scaring Rally. I am gonna head back it is almost time to leave," Yusei said as he turned walking back to the old subway they called home. Everyone got up and followed. Night stayed a little longer looking out to city that was home to the people who look down on those on the island Night was sitting on right now. Little do those people of the city know that people like Night make the appliances city folk use everyday.

Night rolled her lips in disgust, "you enjoying life over there Star, knowing full well you left the rest of us to suffer here in this hell?" with that she got up and followed her friends. "Just you wait Star I'll make sure you regret ever leaving us, your friends that risked their lives and looked up to you everyday. Though you probably don't care since you're living the high life right now huh?"

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