Back to the Start Chapter 19

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Layln and Kyanna sat next to Night watching her sleep while Yusei was heading to the stage for his big duel. Layln folded her hands then prayed, "please wake up soon Night and be safe."

"She will." Kyanna said placing her hand on her sister's tensed ones. "Night is strong." Layln smiled and nodded then turned to the TV watching the duel getting more intense and it seemed Jack had the upper hand.

"Come on Yusei." whispered Layln when they suddenly seemed to dissapper!


Layln and Kyanna looked at Night who was staring at the TV. "Night you ok?"

"" Night panted.

"We're not sure they just dissappered just now." Layln explained and just then they popped back into the picture and watched Jack spin out and fall to the ground while Yusei sat on his runner tall and strong. "He won?"

Night's face of panic slowly drifted to a face of joy as she jumped up and shouted "HE DID IT!!! HE WON!!!!"

Kyanna and Layln joined their celebration then the twins and Yanagi joined in while Guy and Tanner just watched and laughed. Soon they ran out and noticed something. "YUSEI!!"

"Hey guys! Whats up?" Yusei looked with smile on his face.

"We're fine but you've got a new enemy, THE MEDIA!!!" Night pointed to the stamped of people with flashes.

Tanner walked by pushing Yusei's runner saying, "better rev it up!"

"COMING!!" they shouted and ran after him. "Wow! Look at this place!! How did you find it?!" Dexter said amazed.

"A guy like me knows these things, and Blister told me!" Tanner laughed looking at Yusei who laughed with him. The two boys went at it chanting how he was their hero and blah blah blah.

Night just laughed it off and walked behind getting another text from Zolo:SWEET YUS WON!! Tell him that it was an awesome duel!!

Alright will do!

"Hey Yusei! Zolo and Jason say congrats!" Night said smirking once Yusei had finished talking with Tanner and Luna.

"What about Star? Doesn't she say anything?" the kids asked not knowing Star's fate right now.

Night bit her lip nervously, "um Star is probably sleeping right now after all it takes alot of energy to do what she does. So she probably doesn't know he won yet."

"Oh yeah probably!" Leo smiled.

"Oh and Luna!" Night said getting Luna's attention. "I don't think Star would let the Satalite get destroyed!" Night winked making Luna loosen up slightly. "I'm sure if there was something going on she would be the first on the scene. Trust me on that one!" Night said ruffling Luna's hair.

Yusei smiled and nodded then nearly laughed when Luna asked about a signer and Yanagi jumping up talking about his adventures. Night just shook her head but knew that Yusei was still thinking about what ever they saw. For some reason Night had a feeling it had to do with the dark familiar laugh and figure she knew but didn't remember that visitered her in her dreams.

Night shook her head in an atempt of ridding the memory which seemed to work. "NIGHT!"

"AHH!" Night nearly fell just as Yusei grabbed her, "sorry."

"You ok?" Layln asked looking concern.

"Yeah just lost in thought." Night said faking a laugh.

Everyone climbed out of the passage way and entered the streets finally made their way to Blister's hide out. While they talked about the signers Night suddenly became interested feeling as though she was apart of them but in a different way. As they spoke Night's arm suddenly began to tingle as Luna and Yusei exposed their marks. Night just gripped her wrist and noticed Kyanna followed suit. Night looked at her but she seemed lost in the drawing so Night just walked away and pulled back her glove and looked at the mark of the weird dragon on her wrist. "HEY NIGHT ARE YOU THE SIGNER?!" Leo shouted making Night jump about three feet in the air.

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