Back to the Start Chapter 16

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"Now that is a big box." Star said looking up at the big silver steel box that held her friends. "Rosie think you can sit here and look pretty while looking out for anyone?"

Rosie looked up at Star with a big smile and nodded then climbed up to a high piece of rubble sitting there looking around. Star walked over to the box and knocked on it, "you guys in there?"

There was commotion at the sound of her voice, "Whose there?"

"The boogieman!" Star said with a smirk as she began to work on the lock, which was a keypad. "Fudgers! Good thing I know how to make a virus." She smiled as she plugged in the infected card into the device making it malfuntion in ten minuets.

"Star?" asked a familiar voice.

"Yeah bird brain!" she replied smiling.

"What are you doing here?"

"Oh just admirring the work of this steel box, WHAT DO YOU THINK?!" she laughed.

"Well it has been awhile. Not use to hearing your voice especially through a steel box." Crow laughed.

"Crow, your a pa-" Star was cut off by the sound of Rosie singing. It was Star's warning that someone or someones were coming. "Where?"

"What?" Crow asked.

"Sh. Rosie where?"

"Over the east of rubble that blocks our way home." Rosie continued to the song.

Star cursed under her breath and began to mess in the rubble pretending to look around for something. The officer walked up and saw Rosie sitting there all innoccent then turned and saw me rummaging through the rubble. "Excuses me Miss, but you two aren't allowed here."

I snapped my head up at the officer looking shocked and confused. "But I need to be here to get somethings so I can feed my sister." I motioned to Rosie. "if I don't get the stuff I need I can't trade for food and we will get hurt." I said faking my worry and fear.

"Well, hurry up alright." the officer said turning to leave.

"Wait! You look familiar." the officer who stopped the soft hearted one. Star looked at the man and realized he was the guy that chased her all her life, also was the guy she accidently bounced the rubber on his head. Star shook her head and continued to 'work' while looking at the timer in her hand letting her know there was two more minutes.

He walked over to her making her tense and alert keeping a close eye on the man as he approached out of the corner of her eye. He stood over her looking down at her with a glare. "You're the girl who is always casing a ruckus!" He said grabbing my hair pulling Star up to look him in the eye. "Trash like you needs to be taken out!"

"Yeah well assholes like you need something shoved in it!" Star growled as she kicked him sideways in the ass. The man grabbed her turning her with her back to him pulling her hands behind her at her butt with one hand and her head back with his other hand by her hair she held in her scream when the man hit her shoulder.

"Watch it Missy. You will be lucky if you get out with no charges." He growled then there was a BING sound.

Star smirked and the officer looked at the door while his partner tried to help Rosie down as the door burst open with a orange haird man with little ones behind him. The freed man looked at Star wide eyed then charged the officer. "GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY GIRLFRIEND!!!!" he shouted as he jumped kicked the guy in the side. The man stumbled and the attacker went to Star and checked on her. "You ok?"

Star held back the laugh that was in her throat, "'my girlfriend'? You know Night is gonna get you for that one." Star whispered to him, "but yeah I'm fine Crow thanks."

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