Back to the Start Chapter 28

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"Zolo," Jack said not sure what else there was to do with the distraught male. He watched him as he continued to shake with sobs while on his arms and knees. Jack scooted over awkwardly and patted Zolo's shoulder just as awkwardly trying to consuel him. "I am sorry."

The red head's sobs slowed and his muscles tensed. Slowly he sat up in a kneeling position looking up at the sky probably glaring up at the sun. Glaring and hating the world wishing it would all burn. "Jack," he said hoarsly still staring at the sky.


"Don't just fucking beat these fucking Dark Signers, cause them sooo much pain they can have a glimpse at what Star and I are going through," Zolo said so darkly he practically growled it. "And if there is a chance I can meet with whoever did this to Jason," he lowered his head finally making eye contact, "leave them to me."

The look in his eyes was so dark that Jack felt himself gulp slowly. They were so dark, full of all sorts of anger and harm that threatened anyone's well being. It was hard for Jack to think this pretty tranquil even kinda shy guy, who would do anything for you, had the look of a murderer. Zolo the guy who would blow up not very often, only a few words of foul language. This guy was willing to kill someone. Jason was obviously something to Zolo, but his reaction told Jack that Jason was everything to him.

"I will do my best," Jack promised and nodded to Zolo.

"Thanks," Zolo stuck out his dirty gloved hand that Jack shook, "from both me and Star."

They both got up and just looked around in shock right now. "Personally I don't even want to be where ever Star is because I am sure she is raising hell like no demon could," Jack sighed.

"Sadly I agree with you but," Zolo stopped shrugging with a look of concern, "Star rather be alone when she is upset. That was something she always told me and her actions did too. Most people say they don't and will be caught leaning on someone. Not Star though. She tends to cope better on her own, and sometimes I think she believes she is better off alone." Zolo lifted his head to the sky as a breeze picked up allowing him to cool down and dry some of the tears.

"Well that is kinda rude," Jack said not really sure why Zolo said that.

"Not for her. She thinks it's better for everyone else. Star is a broken, lost, and sad girl who wears a mask," Zolo turned to Jack with a sad face, "even around me."

"Guy? Guy? Oh Guy come on snap out of it please," Layln begged holding her husband's face as he was lost in thought. "Guy! Please Guy just," Layln shook as another flood of tears threatened to fall, "please snap out of it. It hurts me to see you so sad so please damnit wake up!!" She now started to lightly slap his face, "Casper!"

Instantly Guy focused on Layln and she could see himself come back to reality. "What?"

Layln wrapped her arms around his neck tightly, "please don't be so sad. I know it hurts."

Akiza had dragged Mina with her as they went on ahead allowing the couple to gather themselves.

"I just don't see why we should leave them," Mina complained for the umpteenth time.

"They are closer to Jason than we are and you would have bitched about their 'sexual advances'. Therefore instead of causing more grief for Layln, I decided that we should leave them alone." The red head did follow Layln's suggestion and found the entrance to the mirror house. "She does seem to be his calming source and that has to be hard on her."

"He probably married her for a good lay," the blue haired woman snapped.

"Mina I will unleash my furry on you if you keep this up. I am not close with everyone but someone who is a friend of Yusei's is a friend of mine. So if you keep this up I will not hold back," Akiza threatened darkly.

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