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Welcome everyone and thanks for choosing this book to read.

Couple of Disclaimers. This is a sequel, it is a Book 2 therefore please don't read this first. You would absolutely be confused and lost on who did what and why they did that. Don't Read This Book First!

Tough Love is the first book in the series so start there and you can find it on my profile.

This is a Manxman book therefore there would be some loving between male characters, kissing, hugging, and all the sorts. If it's not your cup of tea then please click out now.

This is book circles around characters in the military and I'm no expert in any way. If something is wrong kindly DM me or let me know in the comments and I would fix it.

I welcome corrections on my grammar so please feel free to let me know if my spellings or grammar structure is off. Although it'll be good to know that this is a first draft book so it's mostly unedited.

No form of bias, discrimination, or prejudice would be tolerated. Don't be mean!

Plagiarism is not cool, it takes hardwork and courage to write and put oneself out there. It's not nice to encourage an author by plagiarizing their work. Be good and don't plagiarize my work!

Anyways that's pretty much all I got and again I'm sorry for leaving you guys on a cliffhanger for this long. But I hope the wait was worth it in the end.

Poisonous Love is mainly about Lorenzo and Elijah, but of course other characters from Tough Love would make appearances throughout. I'm so excited for this book y'all and tea would definitely be spilled.

P.S. It's okay to not like some characters.

Comments and votes are very encouraging too, makes me gauge how well you guys are enjoying the book. Go off in the comments y'all. (Tell me why I just sounded like a youtuber lmao.)

I would be updating this book every 3-4 days and now let's begin, shall we?

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