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"I got all the ingredients you asked for." I say with a forced smile to the beaming couple. Gosh they would be so cute if I didn't have one of my late nights yesterday and now it's almost noon and yet I was still grumpy.

I'd been enjoying my glorious sleep this morning when Jalil had broken into my room. He started rambling about the 'welcome into the team barbecue' that Roman was hosting for the team guys in honor of the new guys. I almost pushed a sock into his mouth so he would stop talking and I could continue my sleep.

At the end of his rambling, he'd ended with "I think you should come Enzo, it's gonna be fun." As he squealed, I declined immediately. First the warmth of my bed sounded awesome, secondly I don't think being around liquor was a good idea for me, thirdly Eli would be there. That wasn't even debatable seeing as the barbecue would be hosted at his house. He has a ridiculously large backyard and that's where they would be having the barbecue.

"You've been a hermit all week long Enzo, I'm not taking another no for an answer." I just hadn't had the zeal to do anything for the past few days. I'd missed classes, work, thank God for my doing work in advance mentality if not my grades would have taken a massive hit too. All I do is sleep, eat, watch T.V. and repeat.

"Come on go take a bath and I'll pick some clothes for you. We can make some food and just relax." A little tempting seeing as cooking has always been a real hobby for me but I'm pretty relaxed in my bed too.

Well let's just say to never doubt Jalil's power of persuasion because here I am anyways. Avoiding Eli in every way possible.

Roman was in charge of the grill, Jalil was making his famous Alfredo because the older team members requested it. Eli was assisting at the grill and I made work out of getting whatever Jalil needed for him just to avoid Eli and his intense gaze.

Gradually everyone had started arriving. Danny and Rashid had arrived first bickering as usual. Willies, Bader, and Flores had carpooled so they arrived together, Lisa (Tierney) arrived next. When the new faces arrived, of course they had to be the new guys. Roman had introduced them as Bridges and Robinson. Other guys from their unit too had been invited and now everything was in full swing.

My throat was parched and so I marched into the house to go grab a bottle of water, when I hear some murmuring. I peep only to see Roman crying into Jalil's shoulder and the latter whispering sweet words in his boyfriend's ears.

"I thought I was over it Princess, but just seeing everyone together without him.... it hurts." I never really knew Joe as well as the other team guys knew him, obviously. But he sounds like someone everyone just couldn't help but fall in love with, he sounds awesome. I just hope Roman would be okay, he's the most hit by Joe's death.

"I know baby, I know." Jalil whispers back while rubbing Roman's back gently as the man let loose on his shoulders. My heart tugs and I just turn back the way I came from.

I eventually grab a beer and twist the bottle cap before downing a portion of it.

The guys are all scattered everywhere, chatting, laughing, and drinking when I go back out. Well I shouldn't say just guys because Tierney was also present. Speaking of I'm met with a surprise when Danny appears next to me, dressed in a tux.

"Why are you wearing a tux, Danny?" I ask the boy.

"I want to impress Lisa of course." He replies with a duh look. Madonna Santa this ought to be interesting. "You think she's gonna dig it?" I should say no, change his mind from this bafoolery but do I?

"Absolutely Danny." I reply and he beams. I'll probably go to hell for this but this cannot pass me by. It's going to be epic. "Shoot your shot, my young Jedi." I urge him on. I watch him quickly chew on some mints before adjusting his suit jacket and heading for Tierney. Honestly teenagers had to be the most hilarious people on earth.

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