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[In the Past.]

Isabella stood high and tall in the room consisting of all men. It could be quite daunting and intimidating to another person but she was an Azalea-Russo by blood, fear is a myth her father would say.

"A woman? To lead this family? Are you guys insane?" Gustavo chirped next to her, already knowing what the outcome of that outburst would be.

"Do you know why we are called Azalea-Russo?" She asked loudly, her eyes meeting every single man that stood in the room, in front of her. A lot of murmurs around her suggesting they didn't even know. "You see, Azaleas are very beautiful plants, they come in various colors and brighten up any garden they're in." She began to take slow steps among the men, weaving through them as they listened solemnly.

"The thing is with this great beauty, comes a hiccup. Azaleas are very poisonous, the literal definition of deathly beauty. I know you're expecting a form of pep talk from me where I'll try to impress upon you why I'm capable of being the Regina of this family, I'm not doing that."

"Don Alessandro ruled with fear but I'll be switching things up. I'll feed you, clothe you, make sure you and your families are comfortable, send your children to good schools. In return, the only payment I require is your loyalty to Azalea-Russo. Failure in that and I'll wipe out your family in the most painful way possible."

Murmurs ensue amongst the men standing in the room as they wonder if this was really happening. A female would lead the family? It has never happened. Gustavo was the only unbothered male in there as he knew exactly what Isabella was capable of, equal amounts brutality and brains, aggression and solution.

"We're at war with the Masaccio family, and I implore you stay safe out there until Masaccio's head is on a platter along with that of his family."

It seemed that she was eventually getting somewhere because the previously skeptical looks were already transforming into supportive ones. The cool, calm, calculated, and confident aura of Isabella would do that to a room full of men. Her priorities were set straight and it was no surprise when the men started straightening their posture in the presence of their Regina.

"Don Alessandro and Santino would be buried tomorrow, everyone should be there." Every word from her mouth commanded respect as she addressed the men. For them to pledge their life to a leader it had to be one that would do the same for the family if need be. Just like Don Alessandro and Santino had done. So far, it seemed Isabella was what the family needed.

"Hey you" Isabella pointed to the man that ran his big mouth earlier. "You think I'm worthy of the title now?" Everyone glanced at Dante to see his reply to the boss.

"I don't know, but I guess you'll have to prove yourself." Isabella chuckled to herself, obviously already knowing what she was about to do. The eerie silence in the room as the men looked amongst themselves, wondering what her next action would be.

"Then that's too bad now isn't it?" She asked no one in particular but Mr big mouth still decided to reply anyways.

"What?" He asked confusedly.

As quick as a cheetah about to pounce on its dinner, Isabella disarmed the unsuspecting sicario next to her, pulled the safety and then trigger in all of seconds. Mr big mouth's brain matter was splattered on the brown wall.

"Too bad you won't be here to witness it." Isabella mused as she cocked the gun back to safety and handed it back to the man she took it from.

You know you're in a room with the mafia when neither the sound of the shot, nor the sight of the corpse makes the men flinch. He disrespected the boss, nothing less than death was expected. That action alone was enough to put them all in line.

Although Isabella understood the skepticism, men and their ego is something you dealt with in this line of business. She didn't kill him for having an opinion about her and her "inferiority" not at all, she killed him for the way he voiced it in such a belittling way. Respect is free, have some.

"Everyone's dismissed, Gustavo we have some business to attend to." Isabella instructed.

Shuffles and mumbles of "Yes Regina/Si Regina" were heard from the men and she knew for a fact that she had made her mark on them.

She was home.

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