Chapter 1

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It's my first day of actual school. I say actual school because the past week I've only been going to school for half of the day due to my anxiety. I couldn't do full days cause I worried to much. Surprising the school let me go home after lunch. But now it's my actual first day of school.

I wake up and do my normal routine. I brush my brown wavy hair. I get dressed and brush my teeth. I walk downstairs and eat breakfast with my 2 brothers.

Chase is the same age as me he's my twin. He has brown hair and brown eyes like me. Then my other brother Dean he's 19 and took over our fathers company. And now he's the most youngest Company owner ever. He has brown hair like us but blue eyes.

Anyways yeah like I said I have bad anxiety and I stutter a lot. Chase decided to drive his motorcycle to school today so I'm sitting behind him with my arms wrapped around him. I hate it I like riding my motorcycle, but no it's dumb driving 2 motorcycles when we could just drive 1.

Anyways yeah so I'm on the back of his motorcycle. He pulls into the parking lot of the school and I sigh. "Are y-you sure th-they won't j-judge me." I say as we start walking inside. "Liv you'll be fine. They'll love you. You've been here for a week." "Well y-yeah but I-I was on-only there for h-half a week." He wraps his arm around my shoulder. "They'll love you ok. You're adorable especially with your stutter and height everyone will love you."

I roll my eyes. Yeah I'm 5'0 the smallest girl in my morning classes. I'm not sure about my afternoon classes, but I'm the shortest in my morning classes. And with the height and my stutter people think I'm adorable. "Yeah b-but how d-do you know p-people will th-think I'm cute." "Be cause you're short and everything you do is cute. Besides it looks like you already have a group of fanboys." Chase says smiling

"what?" I look and there's like 3 guys standing at my locker. I see Josh,Logan and Colby. "What n-no they're m-my friends." "If you say so." He goes to walk away.

"Wait d-don't leave me a-alone." He chuckles and walks to the group of guys with me. "Good morning shorty." Josh says and I smile. "G-good morning g-guys." They all smile. I open my locker and get my books for the morning. The first half of the day goes by great and now it's lunch.

I get my lunch and sit at the table I normally sit it. Like 4 guys go to sit down. "Ohhh I-I normally eat l-lunch with Chase." I say and one of the guys smiles "forget about him I can be so much better then him. You can be my beautiful shorty." I blush and shake my head. "Ch-Chase is m-my brother and n-nobody owns m-me." The guy smiles "don't worry sweetheart you will be mine soon." I blush and try to talk but nothing comes out.

"All if you leave now. You're going to making her anxious and she'll stutter even more." Chase says and they leave and mumble something to each other. "th-thanks." "It no problem I'm just protecting my baby sis." I nod and start to eat.

After lunch I find my first afternoon class which is cooking class. On the bright side there won't be many guys in this class. I hope. I walk in and it's all guys. They look at me "girl." One of the guys say and they all stand up and go to walk over to me.

I scream and jump behind the teachers desk. "Pl-please don't s-surround me." I say and they all nod. They back up a little giving me space.

I stand at ones of the kitchens. The guys keep asking me questions and every time I answer I stutter and they smile. What is it with guys thinking my stuttering is cute. Everyone stops talking and looks at the door.

A tall guy walks in. He's like 6'2 has brown hair and emerald green eyes. His arms are covered in tattoos. He sees me and rolls his eyes. Damn that's the first time I've seen a guy in interested in me. It's actually kinda nice knowing not all guys fan boy over me and my "cuteness".

The teacher walks in. She sees me and smiles. "You must be Olivia." I smile and nod "y-yes." She looks at the guys. "All of you be careful around Olivia she has bad anxiety and doesn't like being surrounded."

They all nod and I smile. "Now today we are making cupcakes you can work with a partner if you would like. Or you can work alone." All of the guys look at me and I gulp. "I-I actually w-wanna work a-alone." I say and they all start whining like little kids. The door opens

"sorry I'm late I was trying to find L..."
Chase turns and sees me. "Ohhh I didn't know you had this class. If I knew that I wouldn't have spent the last 5 minutes trying to find you hoping you found your class."

I smile and shake my head. "You w-went over my schedule l-like 4 times." "Yeah well I forgot some of the classes I thought you had art this period." He says and I shake my head yet again. "That's n-next period." I say and he glares at me.

I smile an innocent smile and he rolls his eyes. "Mr.Green I see you're helping Olivia on her first full day of school." He nods "well that's great. Now as I was saying were making cupcakes today it can be any kind you want, but they must be done in the next hour. Like I said you can have a partner if you want."

Chase walks over to me and stands next to me. "I-I wanted to w-work alone." "We'll that's a shame cause I'm working with you." I rolls my eyes and he quietly laughs. "Ok now start looking up recipes." The teacher says and the guys go to other stations.

I get out my phone and start looking up recipes. "So shorty what are we making." Chase says and I scroll through the recipes. "Ohhh th-this one."

He laughs "lemon cupcakes with raspberry frosting." I nod "yes
th-they're going t-to be so y-yummy." He smiles and nods "ok shorty we can make those." I squeal and start to get the ingredients together. "Ummm Liv I need the recipe." "Ohhh r-right one s-second." I send the recipe to him. "Thank you." I nod and continue getting the stuff together.

I try and reach the mixing bowls. I even go on my tippy toes and I can't reach it. "Do you need help?" "No I-I got i-it." I even try to jump and still can't reach it. I sigh and pull up a chair. I step on it and get the bowls. I smile "see I-I got th-them." I smile even more and all of the guys laugh.

"You're so cute." I hear a chic say. I turn and see a chic. She has black hair and brown eyes. She's African American and so beautiful. She's wearing blue ripped jeans. A black t-shirt and a leather jacket. Then she has black boots on.

"I'm Ruby." I smile "I-I'm Olivia." "Well Via what are you making." She walks over to me and I show her my phone. "Lemon cupcakes with Raspberry frosting." I nod "yeah I m-made them before th-they're sooo good." She smiles "well i can help you make them if you 2 would like." She says and I nod. I have a feeling we're going to be great friends.

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