Chapter 23

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My first week back at the Pit was pure torture. I could feel how out of shape and out of practice I've become. I felt so ashamed of the way I let myself go. I knew I hated working here , but atleast it kept me fit and in shape.

Word spread through town like wild fire that I was outside the wall , and the tunnels where quickly filled up. No one could leave even if they wanted to. Sure Faylea was modern and to put it blandly, better the people there were of a different breed than us. They were all terrible , terrible people. We may not have a lot here and work ourselves to the bone , but atleast we were humane and decent human beings.

My life got a lot more interesting once the news were out , everyone wanted to know what it was like and no matter how hard I tried to forget about my time there , someone always ended bringing it up again.

Regarding Charlie and I's little agreement? We've gone on a few dates -much like what we usually did when we would hang out before- but this time I would allow him to hold my hand or put his arm around me. So far I'm liking where it's heading. Of course that was the news that upset the town's women the most , he was the most eligible bachelor and I was the lucky girl who got to call him mine.

"Are you going to see Charlie again?" Ella -one of the younger girls- asked while placing her finished work on my table.

"You know I don't talk about that stuff." I said with a smirk watching her face fall. "But if you must know ; I'm heading over to see him right now. So , if you will excuse me." I said with a smile grabbing my jacket before making my way up the hill towards our spot.

My smile grew as I saw him waiting for me under the Oak tree with a blanket and a basket.

"Sorry I'm late." I said out of breath as he stood up and captured me in a hug.

"I wasn't waiting long."

"The women kept asking about you. I don't know how to keep them quiet anymore. " I said through a laugh putting my jacket to the side.

"Well, I was the most eligible bachelor so who could blame them ? " he said mocking me as I playfully hit him on the shoulder.

"Was. Past tense. So don't go around getting any ideas. "

"I would never let you go again. That much I can promise." He said pulling me close and placing a kiss to my lips.

I've grown to like being in a relationship with him. Having him hold me in his arms whenever he wanted , having our lips dance together when we kissed , I don't know why I thought this would ruin everything. If anything, it just sweetened it all. 

"You better not." I said with a smile pulling back. "Mhm , what do we have here?" I said excited , opening the basket.

"It's nothing fancy just-" he said while I stopped and gave him a look he's grown to know very well by now.

"I don't want fancy. I don't want new . I just want you and that's more than enough for me. Just be you , please ?" I said softening my gaze as I watched him blow out a breath.

"Sure. Anything you want."

"I like the sound of that." I said laughing while he started unpacking everything.

When the air grew colder and the sky had fallen darker, I lied down on his chest as we star gazed. We didn't need to say a word. Words were overrated anyway. Just being here with him and nobody else , made me feel content like words couldn't describe.

"Did you know that even though the stars are millions of light-years away , they still manage to shine each in their own individual way..." I trailed off while he pulled me closer for warmth.

"They're exactly like you." He said as I noticed he was looking down at me.

"You're just saying that , but thank you."

"No , really. Even though you were so far from me , I couldn't help but feel drawn to you. You're my star Vera. " I couldn't help but smile at his incredibly sweet compliment. I loved that about him. The ability to make my heart skip a beat by absolutely anything and everything both at the same time.

I smiled looking down.

"What ?" He said through a smile of his own.

"Just I really , really like you."

"Well I love you , Vera Hood." He said without even thinking about it as my head shot up. We've never said that to eachother before. Mostly since I thought it was too new in the relationship and that I didn't want to scare him off , but I'd be lying if I didn't say I liked hearing it.

"Really ?" I said barely above a whisper as my eyes met his.

"Really. " he said with the biggest , most brightest smile I've ever thought possible.

"I love you too..." I said burying my head in his chest - in attempt to hide my blushing face- as I felt his chest vibrate from the laughter that escaped his mouth.

We stayed like that for what felt like forever. And for the first time since I got back , I didn't think about Seth or Linus or even Faylea. It was like everything had fallen away when I was with Charlie. Like he magically wiped my troubles away. I was glad I had opened my eyes to see what a great guy he really was, and I was lucky that he never gave up on me and even gave me a second chance after I hurt him so deeply.

There was no doubt in my mind , that Charlie wasn't the one for me. I just hope I'm not being premature about this.

That's it ! Thank you so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed it. Remember to leave your thoughts in the comment section below. Until next time keep howling my wolves ❤🐺

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