The Day After The Wedding

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Authors note:
Hey guys, I just wanted to let you know that there will be different POV's. Casey's, Brett's, General, etc. Also I'm not the best speller so I'm sorry for the mistakes. Anyways this chapter takes place after the wedding. I really hope you enjoy!

General POV:
Now with Cruz married, it was time for him to move out of the loft. Brett and Emily were sad to see him leave but were excited for Cruz and the next chapter of his life. They helped move his boxes out and into his car.

"We're gonna miss you Cruz" Sylvie told him.

"Yeah. No ones gonna be as good as a roommate as you. I mean with all the parties, and the constant sports, and beer drinking how couldn't we miss you" Said a laughing Emily.

"Okay. Okay. I got to go. And also you're gonna see me everyday at shift so I don't know why you're making such a big deal of this" He said as he got in the car.

The girls waved him goodbye and went back up to the loft. It was late and they had an early shift tomorrow so they decided it would be best if they got some rest.

The next morning Emily drove them to the firehouse. They walk in and head straight to the locker room. Sylvie, who's not watching where she's going, bumps right into Matt. Causing him to fall with her right on top of him.  Her hand landed on his firm chest and as soon as she realizes, she pulls away. Matt on the other hand let out a small chuckle.

"Um. Sorry Matt. Are you okay? I-"

"Sylvie I'm fine. It was just an accident. Forget about it. Now are you okay?"

"Well you broke my fall so yeah I'm fine" She laughed.

They had a long stare at each other until Foster broke the silence. They headed back to the common room for some breakfast.

Brett's POV:

I grabbed some pancakes that Ritter made and sat down in my usual spot. I can't stop thinking about earlier. I mean, I basically ran Matt over and he brushed it off like nothing. We've been getting closer and closer since Gabby left. He's one of my closest friends, but is he more?

Then my thoughts are cut off  by a call. I run and hop in the ambo. Few minutes later we pull up to an apartment building. A three year old girl is stuck on a window ledge, 500 feet above ground. And on top of that there's a fire that's spreading rapidly.

General POV:

"Truck check for civilians, squad get that girl down safely, and engine get the fire out" Chief Boden yelled.

They were about to go into the building, when Matt turned around and looked at Sylvie. They didn't say anything, they just exchanged a look that said, be safe. Sylvie always got nervous when Matt ran into a burning building, but it was his job. And why was she so nervous about him in particular? Did she want to be more than friends? She snapped out of it and started to treat everyone from the building. A lot of them were fine and walking but others needed more help.

Meanwhile, squad reached the little girl and Severide stepped out on the window ledge with her. The little girl got scared and started to go further away from the window. Severide tried to tell her it was okay and that he was here to help. The little girl then started to come toward him when she slipped. Severide jumped off the ledge and caught her. He attached her to the harness along with himself. Squad pulled them up and brought her down. While they were doing that truck managed to get everyone out and engine had control of the fire.

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