They all sat behind the checkout counter while they scrolled away on their phones. They saw the usual; pictures from their peers, holiday status updates, and memes that Jungkook kept shoving in the other two's faces.

When they were focused on each of their phones, a gasp erupted out of nowhere. Penny looked up to see that it came from Jimin who gawked at his screen with his mouth parted.

"Chim, what's wrong?" Penny asked before locking her device.

The playboy lifted his head to see his friend. "Umm, n-nothing. It was just some picture I saw. It really isn't big."

Jungkook went up towards the older boy in curiosity. When he peeked at his phone, his jaw dropped in amazement, "Oh, wow. Damn, fucking hot."

"No secrets, bitch." She sighed as she stood from her seat. "Lemme see." She held out her hand for him to give his phone.

The two boys exchanged concerning looks. Though reluctant, Jimin handed his device to the girl.

"It can't be that big." She shrugged. But once she saw what they saw, her eyes widened.

From an outsider's perspective, it wasn't a big deal but it was to her.

She saw his face. The face that made her heart skip a beat. That face that made her knees weak and jelly-like. The face that she fell in love with every time she looked at it.

That face was on the cover of Vante's monthly issue in honor of his birthday.

The theme was a simple black and white. He wore a dark suit with a presumably white dress shirt under while a thickened belt wrapped around his waist. His hands were in his pants pockets.

His expression was stoic and intense, almost intimidating. His ebony locks styled perfectly on his head and his natural features were the main point to the entire photoshoot. Everything about him was just so ethereal, questioning how he was real.

Penny hurt a little inside.

Not a day went by without her missing Taehyung so much. She has gotten better, she doesn't cry anymore but it still made her chest ache.

However, her feelings were still strong for him, which was a given for it only has been three months. But it's been three months of not seeing him...physically that is.

She would occasionally stalk his social media but the prince rarely posted so it was pointless. The last time he posted was in October a month after he left and it was with his Hyungs. They had drinks in Greece with all smiles. At least she knew he was happy.

She thought about him a lot. Even random things like wondering if he had lunch if he was working, or simply laying on his bed. Sometimes she thought about him in the middle of the night in the shower with the showerhead in her hands too.

There were frequent times where she wanted to text or call him but decided not to. She thought she would be a burden in his busy city business life.

They also didn't end on a good note either, judging all the yelling and sobbing they both did.

He also didn't contact her, which she was actually grateful for. It was for the best to not take action. Despite what her emotions were, she had to swallow the shot of truth that he wasn't gonna come back. He was gone. He came temporarily and left forever, simple as that.

Only now she realized that what they had wasn't gonna last. But she was too blinded into falling for him and his stubborn yet charming personality, giving him all the love she could give, to even see the reality of it all. Maybe it's not what she wanted but she had to be okay with it.

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