"You have nothing to be worried about," Spencer whispered to y/n. "Right now I am officially the happiest man alive. I have the world's hottest wife, and now we are going to have a baby. a real human baby. a baby genius."

"A baby genius," y/n giggled. For the rest of the night, y/n and Spencer talked about the baby. they talked names, colors, books, decorations, how they were going to tell the team.

y/n remembers the day she told Spencer she was pregnant vividly. It was the beginning of a new chapter in their lives. one where they started a family. y/n also remembers the day they told the BAU, her closest friends.

Three years and six months ago

y/n and Spencer decided to have everyone over for dinner to tell them their big news. The team had no idea that they were having a baby, not even Garcia who definitely had been looking through every nook and cranny of their life. They knew the team wouldn't expect this news, especially because Derek still believes the couple just started having sex.

At 6:30 on the dot, y/n hears her front door open. The entire team had followed Spencer home from the BAU, so they would all get to the apartment together. y/n was in the kitchen in the upstairs of the apartment setting up dinner.

"Where's my best friend?" y/n hears Penelope yell from the front hall.

"I'm upstairs Pen," y/n yells back. As soon as she says the words, the girls run up to the kitchen. Garcia is the first one to give her a large hug whispering how much she missed her best friend into my ear.

"Oh my gosh, it's been forever," JJ said, giving y/n a hug. "We really miss you at the BAU sis." y/n loved her and JJ's close bond. JJ had always seen y/n as a sister, especially when times were rough.

"Well I'll be back sooner or later," y/n said nervously. "I'll just stick to out of field jobs." The girls didn't take any notice of the disregard to being in the field. They all assumed it was due to the traumatic accident that had happened a month prior.

"You know y/n, since you have a minor in computer sciences, couldn't you technically help Garcia?" Emily asked, giving her a side hug.

"Technically I could," y/n said, making Garcia gasp. "But I would much rather just give my input on profiling aspects of the case from the bat cave. I'm not super tech savvy anymore, maybe when I was 21, but definitely not now." Garcia frowned at the comment, obviously hopeful to get an assistant to lose some of the pressure from Hotch.

As they continued talking, the boys walked into the kitchen, "Ah, y/n, did you so kindly order us non-homemade, non-Italian pizza?" y/n heard Rossi ask. She said yes and laughed as she gave him a hug. He had always been a father figure to the young girl ever since she joined the BAU three years ago.

"I do have to say y/l/n, it is a lot different not having you out on the field," Hotch said honestly. "It's a lot harder to solve cases when we only have one doctor out on the field." y/n gave Hotch a hug as she saw a small smile from him.

"Yeah Pretty Girl, it's also harder to find someone to calm Pretty Boy down," Derek joked, making the team laugh. "Nah, I'm serious though, you really are the best at calming down the kid and keeping him sane." y/n laughed and gave him a hug.

"Well I guess that's why we're married," Spencer said sarcastically. They all laugh and head to the table ready to eat some nice take out and drink wine. Well, they'll all drink wine besides y/n, of course. The group talks about their married lives and about y/n being a stay at home wife.

"Staying at home is fine," y/n said. "It gives me more time to clean the house, make meals, and organize all of our books." The team laughed as Spencer glared at his wife for making a remark about his book collection.

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