stay at home dad (sr)

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The one where the team finally gets to witness Spencer as a stay at home dad

The one where the team finally gets to witness Spencer as a stay at home dad

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Earlier in the week, you and your husband Spencer decided to invite over the BAU to your new house. You invited your and Spencer's team members (old and new) and their families to spend a nice evening dinner over. You decided on inviting all the people who had seen you and Spencer through your relationship. After most of the core team left the BAU, Spencer decided to teach part-time at the academy while he also stayed at home with your two-year old daughter Alexandra, Alex for short.

Spencer not working at the BAU gave both of you a sense of comfort now that you had Alex. You didn't want Alex to grow up without a parent, so having only one of you apart of the line of work made it much easier. However, you had also recently thought about leaving the BAU to also teach as you had a Phd in literature.

For the dinner, you and Spencer decided on ordering pizzas for dinner as you would be at work all day and Spencer got stressed out at the idea of cooking for such a large group. You were excited to get the whole gang back together, it was going to be nice to see everyone together. You were most excited to see Aaron again. After he left, you were barely able to spend much time together.

Penelope, Tara, and you sat in Penelope's "bat cave" talking about the upcoming night, "It's going to be so strange to see Spencer so, so, God I don't know the word," Penelope said.

"Domestic?" Tara asked.

"Yes, Domestic," Garcia cheered. "I've never really seen him out of work and I mean I definitely haven't seen him since he started being a part-time dad."

"I have to say, even as his wife, it is very nice to come home to a nice cuddly Spencer who is warn out from a day with Alex instead of work," you giggled.

"Was it weird at first?" Penelope asked. "Like, was it strange to walk into the house by yourself and leave by yourself and then see Spencer and Alex spend so much time together."

"It was really weird to leave by myself and honestly it really sucks to see Spencer and Alex bond so much," you said. "I mean I already feel like I've missed so much of her childhood, but now it sucks to see Spencer experiencing it."

"Have you thought about quitting the BAU?" Tara asked.

"I mean, yes and no," you began to explain. "Its hard to want to leave the BAU, but I want to watch Alex grow up. I want to be her mom and bond with her." The girls nodded, understanding what you meant when you heard the door open.

"Is it time to leave for y/n's?" Luke asked.

"Let me get my stuff and we will be on our way," you said. You went back to your desk and got your bag as well as a few old case files you were going to work on over the weekend off. You walked over to the team who was all ready to leave for your house. "I assume we will all drive alone, so I just texted you guys my address. I think we will get there around the same time as Derek and family, Hotch and Jack, and Will and the kids." You all walked to your cars.

On your drive to your house, which wasn't too far, you realized you forgot to text Spencer to get the pizzas. You decided to hold it off until you got home so you weren't texting and driving. You made it to your house with the team following behind you. As you walked out the car, the rest of the guests were also arriving.

"y/n it is great to see you pretty girl," Derek said giving you a hug. "You looks just as great as you did before you got married to pretty boy and before you had a baby."

"Thanks Derek," you responded. "Savannah, it is so nice to see you again." You said looking at one of your closest friends. After Savannah and Derek got together officially, you became really close and would let her know how cases were going when Derek wasn't in the mood for texting. You gave Aaron and Jack a hug. You missed your second family.

"I can't wait to see Alex again, she's gotten so big from the pictures Spencer has sent me," Aaron said.

"Alex sure does miss Uncle Aaron," you laughed.

"Hopefully not as much as she misses Grandpa," Rossi said from behind you. You and Spencer decided to give Rossi the title of grandpa as he was like a second dad to you.

"I'm sure she misses all of you," you said.

You walked up to your door when you heard commotion inside your house. You opened the door and walked in along with your guests. You all had shocked looks on your face when you saw your family room had been destroyed. Alex stood on top of the couch as Spencer was standing on the floor, both of them holding light sabers. They were both wearing princess dresses, Spencer wearing Snow White and Alex wearing Belle. The family room couch had been thrown apart to make what it seems to be a fort. The team stood there shocked, as well as yourself.

"Spence?" you said, startling your husband. "Our guests are here."

Spencer stood there red as a tomato as Alex ran over, "Mommy!" she screamed. David and Aaron looked upset that Alex didn't run to them first, as she usually does, but they couldn't get over how cute Alex looked and how stupid Spencer looked. The team went over to the living room to settle down as Spencer began to pick yo the mess in the family room.

"Hi munchkin," you whispered into your daughters ear. "Have you had a fun day with Daddy?" She nodded her head, which was good enough for you. "Spencer did you forget people were coming over?"

"No" he answered embarrassed. "I just thought you would text me when you all left so we would have time to clean." You laughed at your husband as you started to help pick up the living room. You told Alex to go to her grandpa and say hi to her Aunts and Uncles.

"Do you act like this all the time when I'm not home?" you asked.

"Sometimes," Spencer replied. "It depends on the day and I really didn't want Alex too energetic when everyone was over." You nodded as you finished cleaning the room. Spencer went into the kitchen to order pizza and you went into the living room to sit with your guests.

When you walked in, Alex was sitting on Luke's lap playing on his phone. Alex and Luke got along fairly well, they spent a lot of time together now that him and Garcia are dating. With Penelope being Alex's God Mother, she makes sure to spend as much time with her as she can. You sat down in the circle of girls and in between JJ and Emily.

"You know it is really strange to see Spencer like this," Emily said.

"What do you mean?" you asked.

"I mean, I've always thought of Spencer as being an amazing dad," Emily began. "But I never imagined him this good. Has he always been this good with Alex?"

"He's been amazing with her since I first told him I was pregnant," you smiled. "He always made sure I was okay when I was pregnant and I think some of that was definitely for him to make sure the baby was okay."

"I remember after he got shot, you guys had just started dating and I was talking with Alex Blake and y/n and I brought up that Spencer wanted kids," JJ started. "I knew he wanted kids, but I never thought he would leave the FBI for his kid. Spencer loves that kid and y/n, my God, I have never seen Spencer so happy my entire life until he met you." You smiled and grabbed JJ's hand as a way to silently say 'thank you'. You looked over at the stairs and saw Spencer walk down in sweatpants and an over sized Washington D.C. shirt you made him get on your first 'date'.

"Pretty boy, you look like you have been hit by a bus," Derek laughed.

"Spencer you look great," Aaron began. "The stay at home dad look looks great on you."

Words: 1427

a/n: as i say every day.... I LOVE DAD SPENCER

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