Part Eleven

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Quietly, I walked towards the desk and sat down on the chair, the computer screen flickered to life as soon as I looked at it. I tapped the keyboard, and the password option came up. Gulping, I typed in one of the possible options, my birthday. The computer flashed red, signalling it was wrong. I grit my teeth; typical, I wasn't important enough to my mother. Instead, I typed in my father's birthday, the same flash of red occurred again.

I frowned, there were only two options left and one more chance before I got locked out permanently. I typed in the day the government was founded, 25th April, 2114. The screen flashed green and my mother's home screen popped up, filled by different icons and folders. Typical, my mother's work was probably more important to her than I was, great!

I swept my gaze over the screen, before spotting a folder labelled, Promotion. Frowning, I clicked on it; it was rather strange, since my mother was at the highest promotion she could get.

In the folder were two items, each labelled with numbers.

I clicked on the first document, it showed plans for what looked like a new version of smart watches,

In the corner there was a large "Classified" stamp.

I sighed and clicked off, the smart watches didn't interest me that much. Pulling the glasses up on my head, I blinked as my eyes adjusted. I was supposed to wear glasses, but only when I was reading or writing.

I clicked onto the other document, but dozens of hazard signs popped up, as well as a password window. "Darn!" I mumbled, there must be something actually important in there, if my mother had it password protected.

I put it in the same password as the login, but it was wrong. I gasped, it was unusual for my mother not to use the same password. I tried a different password, but suddenly the screen turned red, with a message in white writing, "Passwords failed, alarm will set off in T-Minus 10 seconds."

The screen began counting down, I leapt up and put the glasses back on, practically sprinting for the door, it was hard in heels so I kicked them off and picked them up, fumbling with the door handle I heard the ten second countdown finish, an alarm sounded, screeching through the building floor. "Shoot!" I mumbled, barely managing to get the handle open.

I stumbled out and sprinted, heading for the lift; but in the way stood a menacing guard, with blacked out glasses. There was definitely NO way I was getting past him, but the stairs were a few steps away from him, I had to make it there without being caught.

I ran, the guard reached out to grab me, but I dropped to the floor and slid, I heard the suit blazer's stitches ripping a little, oh well, I'd have to worry about that after I got out- I leapt up after sliding past the guard and ran into the stairway. The staircases were winding, no way was I going to make it out on foot.

Grumbling in annoyance, I lifted myself up onto the banister and slid, making sure to pull down my sleeves to cover my hands so I could hold on when it turned. I whooped in excitement, it was certainly not how I expected this day to go, but then again, it was better than being at school learning boring things.

I heard shouts and glanced up, I was still sliding, and my hair flew out of its bun, splaying out behind me. The guards began descending the stairs, taking them two at a time, luckily I was nearly halfway down, and I sighed and leant close to the bannister, increasing the momentum and speed. A few moments later I jumped off of the end of the bannister and sprint, heels clunking in my hand.

I dove through the door and weaved through the lobby, darting past and dodging people and guards. There was no point in trying to hide my face, everyone would have known I'd snuck in by now, soon enough my mother would be alerted.

I dove through the doors, daring to glance over my shoulder to see the guards burst through the stairway door, looking around for me. I didn't stop to catch my breath, I carried on sprinting towards tunnel one, the dimly-lit tunnel loomed over me. I paused momentarily as I heard the shouts of guards in the distance. They were getting closer, I wouldn't be able to lose them in the tunnel.

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