A Break In The Timeline

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A timeline break occurs every time someone makes a decision to do something. Each outcome leading to more decisions that create a branching tree of everyone's life of the decisions that were made and the ones that would never be. Over the course of your life, you had made plenty of decisions to lead you to this point, but the one you would make today was of impact greater than you would know. You didn't really think much of your decision but it would change the path of your life. A few days ago, your parents had informed you that they were going to go out for the day to your father's business outing and that they would be back home later that night. It was the first time that they were considering leaving you home alone. You could tell your mom was nervous about leaving you by the way she kept asking if you were ready to stay home without them and if you wanted to come along with them.

"You know, all your dad's co-workers always enjoy having you around. Your dad even mentioned that Cheryl was bringing her famous chocolate chip cookies that you love so much." Your mom commented

"As tempting as those cookies sound, you can just bring some home. I'm 12 years old, I think I can manage myself for a day, Mom." You remark

"Oh I know but you're my little baby and I just can't stand how you're growing up so fast. It seems like just yesterday I was holding you in my arms rocking you to sleep." Your mother replies holding you tightly in her arms

Walking down the stairs into the living room you can see your dad tying his tie as he approaches the two of you. Finishing his tie, he places a reassuring hand on your mother's shoulder and gives her a comforting smile as he comments,

"I think our little anomaly can handle herself. How else will she learn some independence, we can't keep her small forever."

"Well she will forever be my baby no matter how much she grows," your mom replies

"I know my love, but we can't keep debating this. We need to get going if we're going to make it there on time. Traffic in this city is such a pain." He explains

Your mom lets out a small huff before relenting,

"Oh alright, but I will miss her immensely."

Your Dad lets out a small chuckle at your mother's affection. He loved her and the way she loved you. Crouching down to your level he places a hand on your shoulder as he says,

"We're leaving you home today, which is a big responsibility. My cell phone and your mom's cell phone numbers are on the fridge. If there is an emergency call 911 and if you use your powers please don't accidentally destroy the house."

"I promise I'll be responsible!" You reply

Your dad ruffles your hair playfully before standing back up. Taking your mom's hand in his he walks the two of them over to the door. As they turn to look back at you once more, you can't help but run over and give them both a hug before they leave. The two of them lovingly hug you back before opening the door and starting to head out. Right as your mom is walking out the door she turns back to you once more and requests,

"While you're home, promise me you'll remember the third rule"

"I will." You answer

You wave goodbye with a smile on your face waiting for the door to shut before running over to the window to watch your parents drive away in the family car. You promised your mom that you would remember the rule but you never promised her to follow the rule. You sat in your living room looking out the window for what felt like an hour planning what you would do to satiate your curiosity and also to make sure that your parents didn't come back unannounced. When you finally felt that the coast was clear you started putting your plan into place. Getting off the couch in your living room you left your house, closed the front door, and made the quick but daunting walk across the street. You stood outside the gate of the house you lived across from, the huge building loomed over you and you began to wonder if the need to ease your curiosity was worth it. No, you had made this decision and you were going to stick to it. It was just one visit. You would see what was up and then you would leave never to return. Once you had built up your confidence enough and felt that the street was clear you used your power to walk through the locked gates. You assumed no one had seen you since when you looked left and right the street was empty, but there was one thing you forgot to do though. You forgot to look up.

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