Chapter 21: Movers

Start from the beginning

"So Jamie got accepted to live in her sorority house. She is going to be moving out any day. Isn't that great? She'll get her own room and apparently the house is massive," I tell him.

"She's just leaving you?" He says disgruntled, his voice extra rough.

"Well, yeah. How could she turn down this opportunity? I even pushed her to do it." He grumbles in response. "This is really good news for her," I continue.

"Okay, but what about you?" He presses on.

"What about me?" I respond drily as I wind my arms tightly around my chest.

"Do you ever think about yourself Emma? You care way too much about other people's feelings. I know you won't ever admit to it, but you are devastated by this, I know you."

"It's not like that. I am happy for Jamie," I say in an effort to convince him.

"It's okay for you to admit you don't want her to leave," he murmurs somberly.

I bite my lip. "No, that's just selfish Bash!"

"Well, then I am selfish. I care about your feelings first Emma. How do you really feel?" He reflects back which triggers me.

"I am fine," I dissent frustrated. "I need to go Bash. I'll talk to you later." And then I hang up.

'I am fine', I tell myself once again. I would rather be miserable and Jamie happy than the other way around. Just because she is leaving does not mean I am alone. I curl up in my bed seeing Jamie's empty bed and close my eyes.



My eyes part at the sound of relentless pounding against my door. The pounding grows louder and I crush the pillow to my ears trying to muffle it out.

"Emma, can you get that?" Jamie croaks.

"Oh, the one time I need you up in the morning, you're not," I holler back at her and I hear her mumble something in response. I begrudgingly swing my legs over and drag myself to the door. I peep through the hole and see Bash's towering frame looming in front of it. I hastily swing it open and he is standing there in a striking black jacket looking way too eye-catching for this early in the morning.

"Hey Bash, what are you doing here?" I say and run my fingers through my hair in an attempt to improve my current state.

"Hey, Emma." He smiles. "Want to go for a walk?"

I look down at my raggedy appearance. "I am in my pajamas," I mutter absently.

He leans against the doorway. "It's college, no one cares."

Too exhausted to argue I say "Alright" and grab a light jacket and cram my feet into my combat boots. I follow him outside in the direction of the lake trail nearby on campus. A breeze brushes past and I pull my bomber jacket closer to my body watching my breath make swirls in the air. Bash glimpses over at my expression and takes off his jacket to put it on my shoulders.

"No, take it back," I tell him shoving it back at him. I refuse to let him suffer because I didn't grab a bigger coat. He rolls his eyes at my typical stubborn behavior and puts the fleece jacket on his wrist.

"We'll suffer together then."

He's truly exasperating. I scowl at him and attempt to shove him again, but he sidesteps me with a smug grin.

"Anyways, I was thinking about what you said yesterday and I wanted to double-check if you're alright," Bash adds diverting me.

I examine his worried profile. "I truly am Bash. Sorry if I came off rude and then directed it at you. I was a little upset by the news but after sleeping on it, I think I'll be good. I mean it's not like she is moving out of state or something." I try to joke and kick a rock across the ground, but it comes out more serious than I intended.

"Yeah true, but I was thinking." I glance up at him. "Because correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't one of your new friends out of a housing situation at the moment?" I stop walking, registering where he is going with this.

"Oh my gosh, Becky yes! That's a great idea! She has been feeling guilty about staying at her girlfriend's place as well too. Thank you Bash! I think that would be just perfect." I turn and squeeze him in a tight hug which he returns back chuckling.

"I am glad I could help," he says gazing at me intently.

"You're amazing Bash, thank you!" I want to kiss him on the cheek again, but I don't know how either of us would take it. So instead I beam brightly at him for making my whole mood instantly improve. We made it to the end of the dam hearing the water rushing in a soothing rhythm. We turn back and I am unable to retain my grin until we get back to my dorm.


*author's note*
Yay for Bash coming in to save the day! I hope you enjoyed this chapter <3
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