Track 12

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Author's Corner

Pixel: So this is how I die. Huh, I always thought that I'd go out in a blaze of glory of some sort, like in an awesome explosion or something. But this is not what I expected...

My head was on a wooden platform as my hands were tied while Rumi held a big ax in her hand

Rumi: You brought thus upon yourself Pixel-san, the minute you stepped into our home turf

P: Great...oh course, if you do realize. That if you manage to cut my head off. It'll mean war right.

R: Yeah, I don't think I'll worry about that. Considering the fact that you'll be die in a few seconds and who has the balls to declare war on us?

P: I'll regret this Rumi...

I sigh as Rumi was sharpening the ax's blade, I turn to see the readers

P: Hey, do you mind if I do the intro since it'll be mine last one anyway...

R: No I'll do it since you can start to pray to whatever God you worship (A/N: I am a Christian)

Hello readers, Mirko: The Rabbit Hero here, and as you can see or imagine, I've decided to take over today's intro since your author's about to get his head chopped and I want to get this done quickly so I can kill him and go and make sweet love to my dear Izuku. Thank you all for following this story and making it awesome.

I hope you're well during your own lockdowns and keeping being healthy, now, originally, Pixel wasn't going to make another chapter until next month but he was bored and decided to do it for you guys. This chapter continues to where we last left my dear Izuku at the hands of that blood sucking bitch, Toga. Let's see how he'll handle things today and I hope she doesn't do anything to him...

A fan for the story by the name: Raizor, took his time while reading the story again and went and made a playlist of the songs that were used in the story on YouTube. Thank you Raizor for doing it. If you guys want to listen to the Playlist while reading, here's the URL:


or just type on the search tab on YouTube, search: Cinnamon Bun's Music by Pixel's Fanbooks and you'll see it as it updates with every chapter that is uploaded.


Now for the recap from the last chapter: Izuku ran into an old friend and sang as he was captured by Pro Heroines, wanting a piece of him. He escapes only to get trapped with someone he really didn't want to be trapped in.

Now remember, be stay safe out there and hope you all are alright during either your own lockdown and please be safe and let's stop the spread of COVID-19 and now if you'll excuse me, I have someone's head to chop off of trying to stop us from sleeping with our man

Rumi brings the ax to my neck as drums start to play

R: Any final words Pixel!

I looked up at her

P: Well, I guess this is goodbye y'all. Oh and I have an announcement about this story at the end. So stay tune for it.

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