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Isabel's POV

"Isabel we are so sorry. You know you can come back and stay with us whenever you want!" I nodded.

"Thank you. I love you both so much!" I rested my head on Calum's shoulder and realised that I have nowhere to stay when I leave Spain. My mum must have read my mind.

"What are you going to do when you come home next week? Obviously we would love you to stay with us but it's a little far for work." I sighed.

"I don't know. I mean it's as much Liams house as it is mine. But he's got Goose and all my stuff is there so I have to go back. I think i'll speak to Macie and if not then i'll speak to Katie." I smiled to myself as I thought about my kitten, Goose (yes, my cat is called Goose but when got him I couldn't change his name.) And living with my sister would be amazing.

"Okay, well your sister has just walked in the door. She's come round for dinner." I put my head in my hands.

"Oh god.." I laughed to myself as I heard someone crash through my mums door.

"Oh my god Isabel! Where's Lu- Calum!!" I looked at him, and he looked at me, confused.

"Uh, hi?" I muted the call.

"So my sister is sort of a huge fan. Luke huge!" He laughed.

"Well who's lane is she in?" He asked, smirking.

"Definitely Luke's."

"Good. Because I only have eyes for you." He put his arm around me and pecked my cheek.

"Isabel! IS-AA-B-EE-LLL" I unmuted the call and saw Katie holding their laptop close to her face.

"Jesus Katie, calum down I was just talking to Calum." She put the laptop down again in her room this time and I sighed.

"Okay well although i'm jealous of your relationship with each other, where. Is. Luke? I need to make Latie real!"

"Katie you know that he's with Emma." She slumped down in her chair.

"They literally don't even have a good ship name. Like Lemma? ew." I laughed a little, shaking my head. "Can I at least talk to him. And Michael. And Ashton. Please?"

"Okay, i'll get them." I went to stand up but Calum stopped me.

"I'll go get them, you talk to your sister." I nodded. "Nice to meet you, Katie. I'm glad you like our music!"

I watched him walk out of the room but he turned around quickly so I looked back to the laptop, embarrassed.

"Urm Katie can you please not go all fan girl. They are my best friends now and I don't want you embarrassing me." I looked at her hopeful.

"No promises." I sighed. "Anyway we're you talking to Mum and Sheryl about living with me?"

"Well I can't go back to living with Liam and I had been staying at Macies for like three months before we came out here, it's not fair. So I might have to until I get my own place." She nodded.

thin white lies • c.t.hHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin