I Don't Know What It Is About Her

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Miles POV

Aleria smiled happily as she did the dishes. She was the only girl I knew who was happy about doing housework. She had a clean room and her mom relied on her to do a majority of the housework since she was often too busy to do it and Aleria enjoyed it. Weird.

"Why do you like doing this so much?" I asked curiously with my brow raised and a small grin playing at my lips.

"It gives me a sense of normality. I've never really been normal ya know? I've never had a dad like some legacies and I don't even actually know if I'm a legacy I could be a demigod. My mom has never ever talked about my dad and since I'm such a good fighter most boys underestimate me which is usual but after I beat them I don't get looked at the same way for a little bit. I don't know why but this makes me feel normal" Aleria answered being honest with me and I knew she was honest because her face was genuine and her voice was soft.

For some reason after having only known her a brief time I feel as though I've begun to really know her.

And there was something about here that made me want to learn more. Made me crave her. Crave her touch and her voice. Made me curious about her and her life. Yet I don't know what it is yet.

"I never thought of it like that" I said leaning against the counter as she turned off the faucet.

"Most people don't. Most people think I'm just practicing for when I'll have my own house and stuff really. People think one day I'll settle down and become a house wife" a soft laugh left her lips as she rolled her eyes.

"Oh promise me you'll never settle down" I gained edging closer to her.

"Oh trust me I won't. I want to be able to fight and be free willed until I can't anymore" Aleria looked wistful at this. Apparently she felt as though she needed to be able to fight until she died which she knew wanted probable.

"You won't ever settle down?" I rose a brow


"Not even when you fall in love?"

"If they love me they'll except me and be happy if I give them a child" Aleria grinned though it wasn't as playful as before.

"Not even if they sweep you off your feet?" At this I ran at Aleria and swept her into my arms bridal style.

A small shriek came from her mouth before a chorus of melodic laughter came.

Even I was laughing.

"Nope!" She declared laughing as she kicked her feet making a show of this. Not to hurt me but be silly.

"Not even if he does this?" I bent down and.....


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