Let me clue you in

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Reyna's POV

Before I start let me say how sorry I am for my being on. It's the holiday season now so I've gotten a bit of creativity back. Thank you to all my loyal readers I truly love you all!

Jason was now standing above me with his had outstretched to help me up I presume.

"Tell me more about this quest" he requested. It wasn't a demand yet it wasn't a question. It was just his subtle curiosity coming out and if I were right maybe just a little bit of nervousness. Neither of us had been on a quest in so long I was sure. I didn't know if our minds could handle it let alone our bodies.

"Alright. Well Venus recently spoke to me. I have been talking to her one a week since Aleria found my letters but the goddess didn't seem distressed then. Now she rambles on about Aleria and I. She claims if I'm happy then Aleria can't ever be. But she's such a happy child I don't believe her," I stated leaving out the part of where Venus had stated if I were allowed to love Jason then Aleria would resent me for she would come to love Miles.

"She rambles on and on about you and I and even our children. And even though she's not either of our favorite goddess," I saw Jason cringe slightly at the thought of Piper a girl long ago he used to love who's mother was Aphrodite.

"I feel as though I must do as she's telling me to so my daughter can one day be happy and your son as well. She keeps telling me to go to 'The middle of the west' she says there I'll be able to see more into my destiny. But in all reality I feel like I know my destiny and haven't been outside of camp in three years or so." I gave Jason a look. It was a look we used to share when one of us was in pain and the other would immediately understand.

"Okay well I'm in on this. The kids will be find for a while if we're gone. So let's do it. Let's find out where this 'middle of the west' is then leave as soon as we can. If you're like I all I live for his my child's happiness" Jason gave me a revision of a soft smile as I finally took his hand and stood up from the dirty ground.

"Piggy back ride?" he asked laughing as I climbed up onto his back

"To the house! Mush mush mush!" I laughed harder than I had in awhile as Jason started running towards the house

Unspoken Truthजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें