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Miles POV

The next morning I woke up with Aleria cuddled up into my side as we laid in the middle of a clearing. I couldn't even remember much of what we did last night because we were soo tired that and I was still trying to figure out how she ended up in my arms during the course of the night.

Okay so we flew out of the window then ran out here with her giggling next to me. "What's so funny?" I had asked with in grin in which she replied by shaking her head still giggling "I've never snuck out of the house. Let alone with a guy" and the we ran to the clearing as the stars shone brightly in the sky just little orbs of light hanging in the horizon.

There we sort of just joked about our parents. It was fun and weird and just.. Amazing being there with her laughing like that. But then we both fell asleep with nothing but our shoulders touching to now end up with her in my arms.

I looked down at her for a split second before I closed my eyes in hopes to go back to sleep.

No chance.

Next thing I knew I was being thrown off of her and my eyes flew open once again to see Ryan standing above me in between Aleria and I. And to my imagination I thought I had heard a snarl come from him.

"What do you think you're doing?" I heard him growl as I sat up looking to see if this had woken Aleria up. Thank gods it hadn't. But maybe it would've been better if she had.. "We fell asleep out here. Nothing happened" I explained holding my hands up in surrender.

"I don't believe it." He said as I saw his fist clench.

"Well believe it. I didn't make a move on her or whatever you're thinking she probably just got cold last night and clung to me it's not my fault" I said defensively.

"Miles.." I heard a soft voice from behind Ryan whisper as she reached out trying to find me without opening her eyes. Ryan was momentarily frozen in place as I crawled over to Aleria and past him "I'm here go back to sleep" I whispered to her and I couldn't help but smile as she nodded and took my hand. "Then you sleep too" she whispered as I pushed a lose hair behind her ear.

Oh shit.

I looked up at Ryan who was fuming. "Nothing happened eh?" He asked through clenches teeth. And then losing all his self control he tackled me to the ground. At the sound of our bodies hitting the ground Aleria shot awake and was up on her feet in an instant only for her eyes to widen in shock as Ryan's fist came in contact with my right eye. I would definitely had a black eye.

"Ryan!" I heard Aleria scream as she pushed him off of me. He was so shocked about her seeing that he had let her push him off of me. I could tell. "What the hell were you thinking?!" I heard her scream as she sat next to me and looked at my eye that was already starting to swell up.

"Your parents are looking for you so get lover boy here fixed up and go home." He said angrily as he shot me a glare and looked at her with a serious face before leaning over me to cup her cheeks in his hands.

"Don't ever worry us like that again. I though he was molesting you I'm sorry" he whispered before getting up and walking away

My blood boiled as I saw him touch her in such an intimate way them to lie to her face like that. My stomach churned with hatred as she leaned down so she could see my eye

"Come on let's go get you some ice" she said standing up and then helping me up as well.

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