MT.Ebbot Part 1

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Horror and Lust were walking to MT. Ebbot and they were talking until something unexpected happened...

"So, I have a crush on you mate," Horror said, he was blushing a dark red as he spoke,

Lust blushed "I have a crush on you too!" he said smiling,

"Well, mate, I didn't expect that," Horror said, "You know mate, I've had a crush on you since the second day," Horror admitted, Lust was about to speak until someone else spoke up

"This is cute!" Blue said this caught Lust and Horror off guard,

"Uh- I- Thanks?" Lust said,

"Your welcome, oh! Sorry for ruining the moment and stuff," Blue said,

"It's fine mate!" Horror said, "Hey! I see MT. Ebbot mates!"

"I see it too!" Lust said,

"Woah!" Blue gasped, then he ran forward and shouted, "GUYS! I CAN SEE MT. EBBOT! LET'S GOOOO!"

Sci laughed "Well I guess Blue is leading us now," He said,

Blue lead for a while until he started to get tired,

"I'll lead for now," Sci said, Blue moved to the back of the group where Dream and Killer where,

"Hello!" Blue greeted,

"Oh! Hi Blue!" Dream said, smiling,

"Heya Blue, whatsup?" Killer asked,

"Nothing much, just kinda tired, from running," Blue explained,

"Yeah same, I think we're gonna rest soon though, tomorrow we should be at MT. Ebbot!" Dream cheered,

"Yay! Even though I'm kinda scared for the final battle if we have one." Blue said,

"It'll be fine! We're gonna defeat Candle! We've done it before, we can do it again!" Dream reassured,

"Yeah!" Killer said, the two talked for a while, then Sci said that everyone had to rest, the only people who were awake were Dust and Blue...

"Dust, why are you still awake? Your usually the first or second person to fall asleep." Blue asked,

"I can't sleep, my amulet's being annoying and it's telling me to kill people again." Dust said,

"Oh no, uhhh I'll use my amulet on it again!" Blue said, rushing over to Dust, Blue carefully grabbed Dust's amulet, Blue's hand lit up a light blue as he used his magic, getting rid of the side effects/voices from the amulet,

"Thanks, Blue," Dust whispered,

"Your welcome," Blue whispered back, the two went to sleep.

Only to be awoken by Candle 2 hours later,


"Dude! Can you let us sleep?" Cross asked,

"NOPE! WERE FIGHTING!" Candle said, she summoned a fireball and aimed it at Nightmare and Dream, the two brothers dodged the fireball and summoned their weapons.

"Why? I wanna sleep!" Cross asked,

Candle scoffed and attacked Cross with fire swords because she has those, Cross summoned a giant red knife and blocked Candles attack Candle was about to hit Cross when Nightmare attacked from behind,

"No." Nightmare simply said,

"What?" Candle asked,

"No." Nightmare said as he attacked Candle with his staff, Candle dodged and tried to attack Cross again,

Cross got hit by Candle's fire sword, he hissed in pain,

"No." Nightmare said, then he attacked Candle with his Moon Staff again,

"I don't understand what your saying." Candle said,

"No hurting Cross." Nightmare explained, "Or Dream." "Or anyone in this group but mostly Cross and Dream."

"Why?" Candle asked,

"Because I said so." Nightmare said as he attacked Candle again, this time Nightmare hit Candle, who used her wings to lift herself into the air,

"Now you can't hit me!" Candle teased,

Dream laughed to himself, he didn't want to do this but he had to, he shot an arrow at Candle, "I think that I can..." the arrow hit Candle and she fell to the ground, Ink used his brush to bury Candle in rocks... again.

"Wait what? You guys never told me about this!" Candle growled,

"Mate, that's the point.... uhh, can you please stay there until we come back, mate?" Horror asked, Candle didn't reply she just growled, "Thanks mate?"

"Ok everyone! Let's get the spell as quickly as possible!" Sci said, "Blue can lead us to MT. Ebbot!" he gave Blue a map,

"Thanks! Now, let's go!" Blue cheered, the ran forward and eventally the group got to MT. Ebbot...

The fight scene was fun to write, -Crow :D 

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