Ink and Error

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Blue woke up to the sound of Ink and Error, talking?

"What happened last night?" Blue asked Ink, "Who won the contest?"

"First of all, we're now friends and whoever won doesn't matter anymore!" Ink said,

"Yeah!" Error said,

"What??? Well, at least they aren't trying to kill each other now..." Nightmare said,

"Yeah! We're best friends!" Ink said,

"Hey! My amulet is glowing! I think this is good!" Dream exclaimed,

"Mine looks like it's going to turn into a piece of quartz." Nightmare said,

"It's because there are more positive emotions than negative." Sci explained,

"Makes sense, due to Error's and Ink's friendship that happened overnight," Fell said,

"So! Now, what do we do?" Lust asked,

"Oi! I have an idea! I say that we split up into groups to find food and water! Because I have no idea what to do out here and how we're supposed to find Candle!" Horror said,

"I say we look for a town or something, we could find Epic and I think the other guy's name was Colour or something like that," Reaper said,

"We could do both, how about Ink, Blue, Dream, Reaper, Geno, and Lust find food and water because they seem to be good at finding food, while everyone else finds a town, and Sci and Fell can join either group!" Cross said,

"Good idea mate! Let's do that!" Horror exclaimed,

"Can I be with Nightmare?" Dream asked,

"I want to be in a group with Error!" Ink said,

"Ok, we can do that, Dream moves over to my group and Error moves to Ink's group," Cross said, he was hoping to spend more time with Nightmare,

"Let's go mates!" Horror exclaimed

And everyone got into their groups,

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