Candle and Crossmare

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After Everyone Is Awake
"What happened after I passed out, and why did I get tired for no reason?" Nightmare asked

"Nothing really, and you got tired because the amulet has too much energy and then the energy basically went away, if that happens too fast which is what happened you will get tired and sometimes pass out," Sci explained

"Hey! You forgot to tell Nightmare something," Lust said, "Cross likes you! I mean like, likes you."

"Wait what?! Well, so do I! Your welcome Cross!" Nightmare said Cross was blushing

"Wait, this isn't a joke, right?" Cross asked Nightmare shook his head,
Then someone came out of the ruins of Sancest City.

"Well hello, there I am Candle! I've come to kill you, why? Well, I don't know I just want to." The figure said,

"Oi! Cross and Nightmare just realized that they both liked each other! Can you kill us later mate?" Horror asked

"No," Candle said Horror reluctantly prepared his ax, no one knew where it came from, Horror just summoned it.
Everyone prepared for battle,

Candle summoned a fireball and aimed it at Nightmare, who swiftly dodged and threw one of the many rocks at Candle, he didn't have any other attacks that could hit someone in the air, Candle was hovering above everyone because she had wings.

"Are you just gonna stay up there? Don't you get tired?" Reaper asked, tapping his foot in annoyance.

"Yeah?" Candle said before she got hit by a rock. Candle fell to the ground,

"Really? A rock. I hit you with a rock. Dude." Nightmare was disappointed all he did was hit Candle with a rock, he wanted a challenge, not this.

"That was easy!" Dream cheered

"I can hear you you know," Candle said, Candle was currently buried under some rocks, which Ink drew,

"Sorry, wait why am I saying sorry? Your evil, I think." Dream said, "well, we should really get going now, come one guys! Killer and I will lead the way! I don't know where we're going. But we're going somewhere!"

"Wait... Candle is level 20, how did a rock defeat her?" Nightmare wondered, maybe it had something to do with Cross, he had that Overwrite thing.

There might be some grammar mistakes here because of autocorrecting, I hope you liked this chapter! I've never written a battle scene before so yeah, -Crow

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