Everyone Has An Origin Story

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On the 12th hour of the first day of October 1989, 43 women around the world gave birth. This was unusual only in the fact that none of these women were pregnant when the day first began. And on that same day, in the same year, at the same hour, you were also brought into this world by a woman who was not pregnant when the day had begun. But no one other than your mother knew that. You were the secret 44th child.

Your mother was all on her own after she was kicked out of the house by her parents on her 18th birthday, only a month and a half prior to you arriving. She had found a job working the night shift as an in-house carer for an old deaf man and her afternoons were spent attending classes at the local college. For her, the day of your birth was just like any other until it wasn't. Just as usual she left her apartment on time and drove toward her school. The ride was smooth, the road relatively open, and things were going just fine. But then out of nowhere, there was an unsettling feeling in her abdomen. She looked down as she watched it contort in odd ways and a sickly feeling grew. With her eyes taken off the road, she swerved into the oncoming lane for a moment almost getting into an accident with an oncoming car. Catching it at the last second she pulled off the road in a worried panic. The car she had almost hit also turned around and pulled off the road behind her. She could see in the side view mirror as a young man came angrily storming over to her driver's side door but as she opened her door ready to explain the young man saw what was going on. Your mother's stomach continued to grow and contort until it had finally ballooned up fully. Your mother cried out in pain as what she could only assume to be contractions shot through her body.

"Wh-what is going on? How did that happen!" The young man exclaimed

"I-I-I don't know. Please help." Your mother cried

Still shocked, the young man helped your mother stand and opened the door to the backseat of her car to help her lay down. Taking your mother's hand in his, he felt as she gripped onto it tightly. And as much as it was starting to hurt he had no intention of letting go. 

"I don't really know what I'm doing but I think you're supposed to breathe and push." The young man explained

"Okay." Your mother replied between labored breaths

The sound of the radio could be heard in the background between your mother's cries. Love Grows by Edison Lighthouse came through the speakers as she continued to push. And as the clock hit 12 pm you came into the world as the young man held you in one arm while his hand was still holding your mother's. Your new cries echoed through the car as your tiny baby hand wrapped around one of the young man's fingers. The song still going on in the background of the car.

There's something about her hand holding mine
It's a feeling that's fine, and I just gotta say
She's really got a magical spell, and it's working so well
That I can't get away

Becoming misty-eyed at it all, a small smile appeared on his face as he said softly,

"Hey there. You're quite the little anomaly aren't you?"

Your mother let out a little chuckle at his comment and realizing that she was still there he gently, he handed you over to your mother. Tears of joy rolled down her face as she let go of the young man's hand and took you in her arms. She had no clue where you came from, how you came to be, but you were a miracle. You were her miracle. But as joyous as it all was she was also scared. 

"I don't know what to do." Your mother said to the young man

"We'll figure it out." He replied

"We'll?" Your mother questioned

"Whatever this was that just happened we both know it's not normal. And I don't know what will happen if anyone finds out about this but I just know I don't want anything bad to happen to you two."  He calmly explained

Your mother looked up at the young man before her. There was a genuine look on his face and a similar fear in his eyes. She couldn't explain it but part of her felt that this was meant to be. You were born to bring all of you together. And although he wouldn't dare say it now, the young man felt the same way. You three were meant to be. Your mother looked down at you before looking back up at the young man and asking,

"Will you stay and help me?"

A wide smile came to his face as the song continued in the background reflecting the feelings he felt at that moment.

I'm a lucky fella, And I've just got to tell her
That I love her endlessly
Because love grows where my Rosemary goes
And nobody knows like me

"I'll be here as long as you want me to."

And from that moment forward the two of them were inseparable and together with you, all three of you were a happy little family. Your two loving parents would do anything for you and anything to keep you safe. After your birth, your father took your mother to the hospital and they had decided on the car ride that he would sign the birth certificate so no one would know that you were born under the circumstances you were. Who knew what type of people would be lurking about if they heard of how you came to be. They wanted to give you a normal life. The best life.

 Luckily, your father's side of the family came from money and wanting to give you and your mother the best life possible he moved all of you to the city with him into his nice family home. Your parents both continued going to their college but took turns on who would take morning classes and who would take night classes. It took some time to fall into the routine of school, managing a relationship, and taking care of a child, especially since they were just barely adults but they worked through it and became very successful. 

By some bit of coincidence, luck, or even destiny the family home that you lived in ended up being across the street from what would become The Umbrella Academy. The news spread across the world that eccentric billionaire Reginald Hargreeves had adopted seven children. All of whom were almost exactly like you. Born on the same day, of the same year, at the same hour. Not wanting any trouble from the man across the street your parents decided it would be best to make sure that Mr. Hargreeves and his new children never met you.

As you started to grow up and develop as a person so did your powers. At first, your parents were concerned. Neither of them had abilities nor exactly knew what to do, but nevertheless, they loved you and wanted what was best. They were honest and told you about the circumstances of your birth and how that most likely played into your powers. But they also warned you not to tell anyone about your birth nor show anyone your powers. People needed to think you were just normal so you could be safe. They transformed the basement as best they could into a safe place for you to practice and develop the powers that you had and throughout your years they tried their best to help you learn about them more. None of you really knew what you were capable of yet but they wanted to make sure you could learn to control whatever was going on with you.

As your powers developed, your parents also came to realize that the seven Hargreeves children across the street also had powers. It was hard not to know with all the nannies flying out windows and the crazy sounds coming from the house. Worried about what might happen if the kids or their "father" ever found out about you and your powers they made sure to keep you away from the house across the street. Your parents had set up rules for you to follow as soon as you were able to understand what rules are. First, remember you are unconditionally loved. The second, always do what you think is right. And the third, stay away from the house across the street. 

You had everything you could ever want and need. A nice house, a loving family, you went to a good private school in the area, and although you didn't really have any friends you were still happy. If you bat your eyelashes the right way your dad would get anything your heart desired. You truly had a great life, so for some years, you were obedient to the third rule your parents set. But as you got older curiosity started to get the best of you. Your room faced the street looking straight at the forbidden house. Each day that passed you wondered more what was so bad in that house that your parents made a rule not to go there. You had no clue but you would see things. Shapes that look like people. Specifically, you'd see a figure in the window directly across from yours. Granted, the curtains were closed so you could only see the shadow of a figure. You'd hear things as well like a bunch of yelling. And when you were home in the afternoons you could sometimes hear laughter. What was over there? It ate you up inside not to know. One day when you were old enough and your parents decided to leave you home by yourself, you knew you could obey the rule no longer and decided to see what was so bad about the house across the street.

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