"I need your help beating the shit out of these guys." I say, watching his face fall more into a frown than it already was.

"I can't, Kevin." He says kinda slow.

"Why the hell not?" I try not to yell.

"I just got these new shoes, Kevin." He says dramatically, pointing to his feet.

I groan and look up to the ceiling, trying not to lose my cool on my best friend. Edd pulls on my sleeve.

"Kevin,we need to do something quickly, all of our friends are being physically assaulted out there." Edd says.

"I have an idea. Nat call the police and tell them this." I leaned over and whispered to him as he shook his head. "and Edd, come with me."

I take Edd's hand in mine and go out the door.

"Kevin, what are you-"

"Shhhh I got this, Babe." I cut him off, starting to walk to the edge of the side walk.

I need to do this. Not only for me, but for him. Because he needs this just as much as I do, and I-I love him.

We reach the end of the side walk and I take a deep breath.

Here I go.

"Yo!" I yell as loud as I can, causing people to stop fighting and look at me.

"This needs to be over with!" I scream angrily.

"I, uh, am gay, If you know it or not, and me and Edd are in a relationship." I yell again, gripping his smaller than mine hand a little bit.

"That is the way it is and no one is going to change it. I love him." There's a silence in response, almost everyone shocked with my announcement.

Just the same time, three cop cars pull in and park. Six angry looking officers coming out.

"What is going on here?!" One of the cops yelled.

"Well..." Nat starts, strolling out from behind me and Edd and into the street.

"This man here," pointing directly at Brandon, "Brought his gang here to assault those two people," pointing at Edd and I "because they are homosexual lovers."

I blush a little to the homosexual lovers part. I didn't tell him to say exactly that.

"And this woman," pointing to Nazz in Eddy's arms crying into his chest, "Confronted this man." Swinging his body around to point at Brandon again, "for trying to start problems. So, That man got upset and pushed her to the ground with great force, causing her Friends to fight back for her. And uh, yeah, that's what happened here." He finally finished.

He just had to be so dramatic. But at least he did what I told him to do.

The cops go over to Brandon and his gang and start to hand cuff them. The cop that Nat told the story to goes over to Brandon and hand cuffs him.

"You are under arrest for a homosexual hate crime. We will tell you your rights and you will tell us your story when you are seated in the car." He says harshly, pushing him to the vehicle.

Everyone cheers as he hangs his head down low, trying to hide his bruised bloody face.

He got what he deserves.

The whole gang was shoved into the three small cars, all nine of them. A couple of ambulances show up and paramedics jump out, starting to check all of us, making sure we're fine.

Turns out, Rolf had a broken nose and Nazz was pushed so hard that when she hit the ground, she shattered her elbow. Everyone else only had cuts and bruises. Rolf and Nazz were loaded into the ambulances, Johny and Plank going with Rolf and Eddy going with Nazz. Eddy jumped into the back of the ambulance and sat next to Nazz, stroking her hair out of her face, telling her everything will be okay as she sobs in pain.

I feel a tug on the sleeve of my sweatshirt and I look over to see Edd, crying into my arm. This was too much for him to bare, seeing all of his friends getting hurt, over him. I take him back inside, not wanting him to see anymore. I walked him into his house and sat on the couch, pulling him into my lap. He sobs into my shoulder and I rub his back.

"Shhh... I'm here. We are safe now." I whisper, kissing his hat and holding him tight against me.

He soon falls asleep on my shoulder and I take out my phone. I text Nat thanks for his support today and I put my phone back into my pocket. I rest my head back and join Edd in the silent slumber.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Thank you guys so much for 3K reads! AH! It might not seem like much to others, but to think that over 3 THOUSAND PEOPLE read my story is crazy! AH!

I also want to say that after this chapter, there will be no more violence for a bit. There will be a lot of character development and back stories and of course, FLUFF. Because why not right?

Next chapter: Kevin and Edd take off school the next day to try and relax, under the force of Kevin, convincing Edd that his health is more important than his perfect attendance. What will happen at Edd's house? What will they talk about? What will they find out about each other?

Two Types of Chemistry (Kevedd)Where stories live. Discover now