Chapter twenty six

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Taylor's POV.

It's been 6 months since Emma's cancer spread. She's slowly getting weaker and weaker. Sometimes I can't even look at her. Her pained expression hurts me too much.

"Taylor I can't eat anymore." Emma said handing me a bowl of m&ms.

"That's all?" I asked shocked.


"But you only ate one m&ms." I said. I suddenly got nervous. About two months ago the doctor said her time might happen sooner than expected.

"Sorry that's all I could eat."

"It's okay." I went to get the thermometer. The doctor said if her temperature is around 79 or 70 I have to take her to the hospital.

"Hold this." I told her handing her the thermometer. She put it in her mouth. A few minutes later it dinged. I pulled it out and looked at it.

"What's my temperature?" Emma asked. I gasped.

"It's 74.3." I said. I got Emma and went to the hospital. I called Harry to come with me. I didn't want to be alone in the waiting room. We got to the hospital and they took Emma into the operation room. Me and Harry waited nervously waiting. The doctor came to us with a clipboard in his hand.

"I'm so sorry Miss Swift."

"W-what do y-you m-mean?" I asked starting to cry.

"Her time is almost up." He said.

"How long?" I asked. He looked at his clipboard and sighed.

"About three days." I started to sob and Harry hugged me. I felt his tears on me. About four months ago he came a lot to my house to hang out with me and Emma. He was like a Dad to her. He had a soft spot for her and I could tell this was as hard for him as it was for me.

"C-can I see h-her?" I asked.

"You may." He said. He showed us to the room. I sat down beside Emma. She just went through surgery so she was still sleeping. I held her hand and squeezed it. Harry sat down beside me and help my other hand while his free hand held onto Emma's other hand. She looks so peaceful. Emma woke up and saw us crying.

"What's wrong why are you crying?" She asked.

" Emma....." I didn't know what else to say. Even if I did I couldn't my throat was so tight.

"What is it?" Emma asked looking worried.

"Emma we need to tell you something." Harry said.

"Okay." Emma said. Harry sighed.

"The doctor's almost your time." Harry said as his voice cracked.


"I-I-i-I'm so so-orry Emma." I whimpered. I could barely say that sentence.

"B-but I was suppose to live longer." Emma said as she was beginning to cry.

"I know we did too but the cancer spread faster than we thought." Harry said. I went into the hospital bed and hugged Emma. She was so light and skinny and weak which made me even more sad.

"I'm sorry Taylor." Emma said in a weak voice.

"Hey this isn't your fault if anything it's mine." I said.

"No it's not Taylor you did all you could." I started to cry.

"I-I just-w-wish you w-would n-n-never gro-w u-up." I said in a wobbly voice.

"Me too Taylor me too." Emma said falling asleep in my arms.


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