Chapter 9: Accidents Happen

Start from the beginning

The van is out of control on the ice. It's getting closer and closer to Bella. Edward growls and he uses his vampire speed to rush over and uses his strength to stop the van from crushing Bella. Caleb looks at Rae and he nods, telling her to go with the Cullens.

"I'll meet you where?" Raelynn asks Alice.

"Meet me at my house," Alice says.

Raelynn nods and she jogs over to her car as everyone piles into their selected vehicles. Rae gets into her vehicle and she drives across town to the Cullen mansion in the woods.

"What happened?" Esme asks as she lets Rae in.

"Edward exposed himself and the others," Rae says as the two reach the kitchen. "A van was about to smush Bella Swan and he sped over and stopped the van, saving her. Now she's bound to be asking questions. I know I did, but I didn't mean to snoop into Rosalie's mind, I don't know how to control..."

"It's okay, calm down, sweetheart," Esme coos as she sits Rae down on the couch. "I'm going to go make you some tea to relax your nerves. You're safe here, Raelynn."

"That's probably why my brother told me to come here," Raelynn murmurs.

"That's possible," Esme coos before she goes to the kitchen.

Mary and Billy are both on the couch. The woman wound up helping him to the couch with Jacob's help. Jacob has done went out with Embry Call, Sam, and Caleb. They're doing god knows what, god knows where.

"Is Jacob alright with us?" Mary asks.

"I think he is," Billy replies. "And if not, he will be. I like you a lot, Mary."

"I like you a lot, too, Billy," Mary coos as she interlocks their fingers and she smiles. "When are you having that bonfire?"

"Tonight," Billy replies. "Want to come? I'm telling the Quiluete stories."

"I'd love to," Mary says and she stands I'm. "I'm gonna go home and take a shower."

Billy nods and he grabs Mary's hand, placing a kiss on the back of it. "You do that."

Mary smiles at Billy before she leaves.

Raelynn removes her gloves when everyone returns up and she walks up to Edward. He tenses as Rae rests a hand on his cheek. She reads his thoughts as Edward sees them through her mind, she's wanting to know what was going through his head when he rescued Bella.

"You couldn't see her die," Rae whispers as she removes her hand. "Thank you."

Edward nods. "Yeah."

Raelynn sees jasper and she walks over and stops in front of him. "Tell me, Jas, how do I smell?" 

"What?" Jasper asks as he furrows his eyebrows.

"Am I tempting?" Raelynn asks. "I saw in Alice's mind that you're the newest to their diet."

"You are, but I'm able to keep control," Jasper replies honestly.

Raelynn smiles. "I'm gonna head home, all right?"

Alice nods. "Hey! Wait!" Alice follows Raelynn downstairs. "Can I take you on a date Saturday?"

"Really?" Raelynn asks as she turns to face Alice. "You like me?"

"Of.., you're my mate, Raelynn, of course I do!" Alice muses. "Now answer my question, please." 

"What was your question again?" Rae asks teasingly, making Emmett snort from upstairs.

Alice smiles, not caring to ask again. "Will you go on a date with me on Saturday?"

"I would love to," Raelynn replies. "I'll see you at school."

Alice watches as Raelynn leaves and she lets out an happy squeal, catching everyone by surprise. Emmett smiles at Rosalie, who seems genuinely happy for Alice and her human mate. 

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