Aestus, Book 1: The City | Chapter 15

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He held out the flowers with one arm, jokingly pretended to push her back down with them. She sighed and sank back onto the pillow. He gathered the undamaged half of the bouquet and smiled, holding the flowers out to her.

"Sorry," he said, glancing back at the small pile of petals on the floor and flashing her that grin of his. "I didn't realize how tired I was. Best I could do."

Despite herself, she smiled.

She both hated and loved that about him: even when she was angry, even when she was afraid, Gavin Tskoulis could always make her laugh.

Like Tark.

Her smile stilled, and she glanced away from him.

Gavin's smile faded too. "Are you in pain?"

"No – I mean, yes, but – " She sighed, put a hand to her head. "Less than I'd imagined. I think the sleep helped. What did the doctor say?"

He glanced up, toward the corridor window. A nurse was heading toward the room. "Here comes someone."

She looked, then turned back to him. "Gavin, have you been here for three days?"

Before he could answer, the door opened.

The nurse came in, wheeling a tray.

Jossey glanced over at it, then closed her eyes and groaned.

Every time. Every time she ended up in the infirmary – and it was quite a lot, considering how relatively safe her job was – she had to drink a row of disgusting medicines, all various colors.

She eyed the tray with apprehension, but happily the nurse wheeled it into the corner and left it there.

Jossey sank back into the pillow, hoping the nurse would forget about it.

"How are you feeling?" the nurse asked, placing her hand on Jossey's forehead.

"Not great," Jossey admitted. "But whatever pain meds you gave me? Amazing." She looked over at her bandaged left hand. "I don't feel a thing."

The nurse laughed and glanced at Gavin. "And you, Commander? Anything I can get for you?"

Gavin flashed her a blinding grin. "Don't worry about me. I'm just here for moral support."

The nurse, who was probably all of fifty, blushed.

Jossey stopped herself from rolling her eyes.

"Your scans are normal," the nurse said to Jossey, her face pink. "But the doctor doesn't recommend you do this again."

Oh thank God. Jossey closed her eyes. She opened them again and looked at the nurse. "How long do I have to stay here?"

"The doctor said a few days, just to rest. And she said no solar crew for two weeks. Limited mental activity. It should give your burn some time to heal as well."

Jossey laughed. "I should fight Onlars more often."

The Patrol commander to her left shot her a look, which she pointedly ignored.

The nurse smiled. "Let us know if you need anything."

She walked over to the tray. Jossey flinched. Gavin looked amused.

"I do have a question, actually." Jossey pointed to her left hand. "How bad is it?"

The nurse was wheeling over the tray. "You had moderately severe second-degree burns," she said. "They may take some time to heal."

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