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I woke up feeling a little bit dizzy only to find myself in a grassy like place?
As I look around i noticed a man. He's quite far from me so i called

"Excuse me? Kuya?"

He slowly turned and face me and boy, was he a sight to behold.
Mala Kpop ang datingan nya dre!
He looked around my age I think?
More or less a year older maybe?

" I don't know if that's a  compliment or what being called kuya?" He seemed amused

"Where am I? And what am I doing here?"

"Well, basically you're in the afterlife, where we interrogate dead people"

I don't know what to say.

I kind of have a little hunch about it, I mean, come on! Being hit by a ten wheeler truck? I'll be surprised to see if someone survive that.

What I did not expect is that there'll be such thing as afterlife.

"So, I died huh?" I whispered to myself.

"It is not your time to die yet, but it happened. So, I'm giving you a chance to be born again! simple as that" he said with a mischievous smile plaster on his kpop face.

I stare oddly at him before asking

"who are you?"

"me? Oh, I'm a god"

Owwwwkay? that's not the answer I was expecting.
I thought he was a grim reaper of sort?

"A god? Really?"

Still unsure of him I blurted that out of nowhere, minsan talaga pahamak tong bibig ko sana lang di sya na offend cause if what he said was true? Yare na

"I know, I know I'm too handsome to be a god, can't help it though baby I was born this way" he wink at me as he sang the last part

And again I stare at him, like WTF? Pati ba naman sa kamatayan may adik padin? Oh Duterte! can't wait for you to cleanse the afterlife too and please paki una tong hambog na god na to!
He fake a cough to catch my drifting attention.

"As I was saying, you'll be reincarnated and be born again, how cool is that?" He beamed

"What? But why? I mean it's not that I don't like it but That's my fate right? or not?"

"Like I've told you. It is not your time yet, besides it was the Grim Reaper's mistake that you died in the first place" he huffed. Aba? Mukang mas badtrip pa sya kesa sakin ah?

There's Grim Reaper? hope he's attractive gaya ng sa Goblin na Grim Reaper.

Fan Girling alert! I'm missing my kdrama life.

"Now off you go to your new life! Have fun!"

My confusion turns to shock as it finally registered, before I could ask darkness consumed me.

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