Chapter 17

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''Mother!'' All the creatures called that name to Wei as soon as they all entered into that cave except the triplets, iron triangle, Bai Houtian, Da Qing and Zhu that guarding Zhujiu at outside.

Zhao Yunlan speechless to see those creatures inside that cave especially when those called Wei with that calling.

''Mother? Me? Those are my children? I mean with my body and different creatures? Is he really used my body with different spirits to breed his children? Oh, my! Kunlun, I want to faint now!'' Wei can't accept that truth when she suddenly feels dizzy.

Kunlun quickly caught Wei at his side while Zhao Yunlan moves closer to those creatures. They all have different faces and bodies like different mothers but they still have lycan breed from Zhujiu. Lin and Guo check every of them while Chu and the ghosts couple check the surrounding if there is any danger near them.

''Chief! What should we do now? They are not the original creatures from those collapsed kingdoms. All of them have lycan breeds. Seem like they all are from Zhujiu's seeds. Wei's children that used those spirits tp be mated by Zhujiu,'' Lin told as he checked every of them.

Zhao Yunlan looks at Kunlun and Wei that also look at him.

''I think we should kill all of them, Kunlun! Lycan breeds are not good to be alive in the world. They are dangerous. We can't let them to be alive in this island or maybe they will harm the others,'' Wei told.

''I agreed with Wei, Yunlan! Those lycan breeds can swim to the mainland. I am afraid they will harm the peoples on the mainland. About the original spirits that Zhujiu used inside Wei's body to mate with him, I think they are still here somewhere else. Zhujiu may spare them for another breed,'' Kunlun said.

''Chief! We found those spirits inside this cage!'' Sang shouted from the other side caused them all run to that place to see those spirits except Guo and Chu that can't see the spirits.

''What's happened to you all?'' Wei asked to those spirits.

''You asked us what's happened to us? Aren't you remembered that bastard used us to mate with him using your body?!'' one of those spirits asked in her anger to Wei.

''I am sorry, ghosts on behalf of Wei. Actually, she didn't know what was happened to you all and her body as well. She lost her body since 10,000 years ago when these kingdoms collapsed. She just got back her body from that horse spirit,'' Zhao Yunlan told to that anger spirit.

All of those spirits silent. They all look at Wei's body that now didn't have that huge belly which those babies of Zhujiu and horse's spirit developed.

''What's happened to your huge belly? Where are those babies inside your belly?'' the other one of those spirits asked.

''All dead! We killed them before Wei's body exploded by those babies,'' Zhao Yunlan told.

All the spirits silent again.

''Ghosts, I am sorry to tell you that we need to kill all of your children. I mean those from Zhujiu's seed. They will harm us and the others soon if they escaped from this place. But we will spare your lifes in this island. I will guard this island, my kingdom. You all are welcomed to be my peoples. But if you do harm anyone, I will kill you by myself. Do you understand, ghosts?'' Kunlun said his words.

All those spirits nod agreed and understand for Kunlun's words. As they agreed to be Kunlun's peoples, Kunlun releases them all and asks to Lin and the ghosts couple to bring them out as well as Guo and Chu. Zhao Yunlan stays inside that cave when Wei used her ice energy to froze all the cages of those creatures inside the cave. As Wei keeps releasing her ice energy, frozen the cages and they slowly walk backward to go out from the cave, that cave started to froze till outside.

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