Chapter 14

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''Child?! What child, gege?!'' Shen Wei asked as she got back her body from Wei, making Wu Xie sweats.

''Err... Meimei... You know...'' Wu Xie's words was cut when they heard those voices.

''Wu Xie!! Xiaosanye!!''

A moment later they can see the three of Wu Xie's friends are running to them with Bai Houtian is still on the back of Pang Zhi.

''There you are! Why are you late to arrive here?!'' Wu Xie scolded.

''Xiaosanye! Don't scold us! You fled too fast and... err... Who are they?'' Bai Houtian lost her mad as she noticed the other peoples near her and she gets down from Pang Zhi's back.

''Xiao Bai, they are my...''

''Triplets! Shen Wei and Shen Yezhun! Those two you kept telling me during the journey, right?'' Bai Houtian cut Wu Xie's words and she rushes to hug Shen Wei and Yezhun.

Both Shen Wei and Yezhun startled to get a hug from this small girl that actually just 20 years old, younger 10 years from them.

''Err... Xiao Bai!'' Wu Xie called but just got a laugh from them all except Shen Wei and Yezhun who are still surprised.

''Anyway, why are those men not following us? And not find us? Aren't we kept shouting to catch Wu Xie through the way to here?'' Pang Zhi curiously asked to Kylin but still can be heard by the others at that place.

''Those men? Do you mean those with the weird faces and bodies?'' Guo asked to Pang Zhi.

Pang Zhi nods.

''We killed them,'' Sang said as he landed on the ground with his ghost form, making Pang Zhi jumps from his stood and almost hugged Kylin if not Kylin threatened him with his knife.

''Oh, my! What are you to have that transparent body? Are you ghost?'' Pang Zhi whined with his scold.

''What if I am?'' Sang asked back with a teasing.

Pang Zhi can't help to scream for that and he hides behind Kylin while Kylin just smiles to see Pang Zhi that scared of ghosts. Pang Zhi's doing caused Kunlun looked at their way and he saw Kylin at there.

''Zhang Qiling! I know you! The son of Queen Zhang Rounan! Your face is similar to your father!'' Kunlun suddenly said that name, made Kylin turns his head towards Kunlun.

''Kunlun! You killed my mother and father! I lost them during that war!'' Kylin almost mad while holding his knife but was stopped by the growling of Long Hun that protecting its master and also was stopped by Wei's voice within Shen Wei's body.

''Your father and mother were trying to kill Kunlun and Long Hun, Zhang Qiling! Not him to your parents! They planned that war together with my father at that time to get Kunlun's power to conquer the world,'' Wei told the truth.

Kylin silents to hear that truth.

''I am sorry, Kylin for your lost!'' Kunlun apologized.

''No! No, you are not! That's their own fault. Sorry to be mad. I didn't know the truth. I am still child at that time. And then I was escaped after our kingdoms collapsed. I drifted to the mainland and the monk raised me to be me right now. I lived in the secluded area to learn and learn about my power to live longer and I successfully lived for 10,000 years now,'' Kylin told about him.

''What?! Wu Xie, you know about him that live longer than us? I mean too long with that 10,000 years... He is supposedly died now, right?'' Pang Zhi surprised to know the secret life of his friend, Kylin as well the others but not Wu Xie.

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