Chapter 7

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''Chief Zhao! Come here and see this radar!'' Captain Congbo called as he saw Zhao Yunlan walked to him.

Zhao Yunlan gets Captain Congbo in the cabin at the upper deck. He saw the radar that Captain Congbo showed to him while frowning. He saw the movement underneath the vessel. Huge movement.

''Is that whale?'' Zhao Yunlan asked his curiosity.

''I don't think it's whale, Chief Zhao! Or even the bathymetry of ocean depth. Our underwater sounder can't detect that thing now,'' Captain Congbo told while showing the other vessel instrument that called underwater sounder which usually used to detect fish and bathymetry of ocean bed.

''It keeps moving to side by side of our vessel but not really fast movement and it's about 100 meter underneath the water,'' one of the vessel staffs named Henry told.

Zhao Yunlan rubs his chin while thinking of that thing. They are already entering the offshore and towards that mysterious island. Zhao Yunlan knows that anything can happen on the offshore to that island like there is something tried to prevent them to enter that island. One example is those evil ghosts which tried to get the pendant and ring from Shen Wei and Yezhun on the last night. Without those two items, they can't enter to that island.

''Henry, call Lin to here!'' Zhao Yunlan ordered.

''Alright, chief!'' Henry replied and he hurriedly walks away to find Lin.

Lin at that time is having his breakfast with Shen Wei and Yezhun after both twins finished with the bath. Lin is surprised to hear the sudden order from his chief. He hurriedly leaves his breakfast and just bring along the sandwich on his mouth, he rushes to Zhao Yunlan in the captain's cabin. As Shen Wei and Yezhun are curious for that situation, they are also hurriedly walk to that cabin to see the worry face of Zhao Yunlan and the vessel staffs including Captain Congbo.

''What's happened, Yunlan?'' Shen Wei bravely asked.

Zhao Yunlan startled to see the twins at here behind him.

''Xiao Wei, Yezhun! What are you doing here?'' Zhao Yunlan asked.

''I am curious to see Lin rushed to you after Henry called him,'' Shen Wei said.

''Oh, nothing! Please don't worry. Can you two go back to your cabin? I will send Kunlun to there. Or anywhere you want to stay,'' Zhao Yunlan said while trying to hide the truth of his worry right now.

''We want to be here with you. So you don't need to send Kunlun to us,'' Shen Wei replied.

''Err... But...'' Zhao Yunlan wanted to prevent but then, Yezhun's words have stopped him.

''Jiejie, your pendant! Why is it shining now?'' Yezhun suddenly asked to see Shen Wei's pendant suddenly shining brightly like it attracted to something.

Zhao Yunlan hurriedly gets that pendant and brings it out from underneath Shen Wei's shirt. The golden flame inside that pendant keeps swirling with a shining golden light.

''That golden light is look alike Kunlun's flame, chief!'' Lin said.

Zhao Yunlan nods. He closes his eyes and focus on his mind while the others look at Zhao Yunlan. Shen Wei almost touched to Zhao Yunlan to asked what's happened but Lin quickly prevented and signed to her to be quiet.

'Kunlun, do you know this flame inside this pendant?' Zhao Yunlan asked to Kunlun through his telepathic.

'As Wei told me, that flame is from Long Hun's fire that can't be breathed out by him. Wei wrapped that flame inside that ball and also in the ring and that knife,' Kunlun told.

The Mysterious Islandजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें