💵💋🍷Chapter 4🍷💋💵

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Ever since Mangle has moved in which has been four days already. She felt comfortable enough already and fitted in but not quite, realizing she's not the same like them who are really wealthy while her she isn't. It's like she clinging on to them, that's what she thinks.

Since, those days she stay late at night in her room that he fixed up for her which is the room where he placed her after bringing her home with him. He fixed it up nicely with crimson wine red curtains and a nice fluffy black carpet for her to step on when she gets out of bed, plus decorated with some frames and some more things.

It's too much for her to even take in, she felt that she's taking advantage and that she doesn't deserve it. She was never the kind to be a beggar, Instead she likes to work for her things rather to wait for them to rain down on her just like that.

Mangle woke up realizing today she has to work, she told herself she's not going to be lazy and not do anything. She got up putting on some of her clothes that she managed to pick up from her storage place, foxy took her to bring her belongings and she retrieved them. She won't be paying monthly luckily for her.

She brushed her hair out into a low bun putting some two strand of hair staring into this long mirror, seeing her appearance. She was the usual girl but, she seemed happier grateful that she's not alone anymore but then it disappeared when those bad thoughts came to her head.

"I won't be laying around." Mangle said before going to her personal bathroom and brushed her teeth before applying some natural lipstick. It didn't take long to be ready, she grabbed her baby pink handbag before leaving out the door taking in the nature scent of this luxurious mansion.

As she passed the hallways, she looked side to side making sure Foxy isn't around. She knew he would probably stop her from going but, she doesn't care she won't be laying around without having something to do. She walked down the long stairs quickly as she could but quietly

She heard his Voice who seems to be having a conversation with Chica in the living room. Which is in a big room with the door open.

"Will we be heading out somewhere today?" Chica said to Foxy who is getting ready to leave off to work. Mangle got too distracted as she continued to listen.

"Yes, where would you like to go any specific place my lady?I want it coming from you." Foxy's said stroking her hand looking into her love strucked into her Purple like Eyes as she smiled at him

"Huh, I'm not sure love any recommendations?" Chica said with a light giggle with a shrug, foxy chuckled as he brought her in for a kiss on her cheek wrapping his arm around her waist.

'Wow their sure a lovely couple, can't relate' Mangle thought as she smiled

"Let's see, what about we go to a fancy place to eat dinner?" Foxy said as her pupils widen in happiness, she nodded as she hugged his shoulder. "That's a great idea darling, just will need to find the perfect dress before we go." Chica said with a small giggle before pecking his lips

"Any dress is fine on you, don't even worry about it my love and soon to be my wife now I will be running late, see you later and take care." Foxy said before placing his hand on her cheek pulling her in for a kiss, those lips connected kissing for a bit before parting away staring into each others eyes

Mangle smiled before coming back to her senses, that she should hurry up now and leave or else she won't be able to. She started to walk off a long way to the exit.

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