💵🍷Chapter 26🍷💵

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Hi I'm alive!

This writers block is really😭affecting me alot....

Ahhh- forgive me!

Btw if you're a TPN Fan and a Noremma shipper, go check out my most recently posted book!

Anywho let's now begin!


(Replay of chapter 25)

Oh right! I have to meet someone at this moment! I'll be right back." Foxy said as he waved to her before leaving off leaving her alone.

She pondered slightly wondering who could want him at this time, usually people would want to see him more minutes after he came step foot here, but at this exact moment..they just got here.

It must be urgent, she thought to herself knowing it's not much of her business or concern to be questioning


Foxy with his usual expression when he's around with his colleagues walks into a narrow hallway expecting to see the usual individuals that come to see him and have things settled or in general questions.

He was surprised when he opened the door, his expression completely changed upon seeing a blonde headed girl with those very recognizable radiant purple eyes that shines even if the room is somewhat dim.

"Chica...what a surprise? My love, what brings you here, did something happen?." He asked narrowing his Golden yellow eyes at her seeing her seem a bit off...

From what she's usually like, she's usually bright all the time and never takes off her smile, nothing ever breaks her spirit

She's a very easy taking type of person, she wouldn't start a problem or anything.

"Hello Foxy, hehe...I know it's unexpected of me to be here...and you know it's very rare actually..never did I ever pulled you in like this privately..at other times I would just walk right into your office." Chica began chuckling seeming to keep something hidden within her which Foxy took notice of

It's quite obvious, only a person who's good at analyzing out their way of moving and the way their eye expression doesn't match their lips.

Her eyes seem filled with concern and seriousness in them while her smile didn't, it was very obvious to figure it out


"Right..then it must be something important that you must tell me? You wouldn't just pull me in..if this thing of yours didn't have any important meaning to it." Foxy responded back as he took a seat across from her leaning back slightly on his chair letting his red locks of hair slightly fall on his face, keeping a neutral smile on him.

Chica quietly glanced at him putting her hand on her cheek to rest on,

Foxy kept himself in guard just in case of anything, having something in mind something that he doesn't want her to figure out...

"Haha~ sounds a bit harsh you know to say it that way, what if it wasn't important Foxy..either way you would listen to me..we're a couple who will soon get married..isn't that right?" She began her eyes seeming to darken as a small grin appeared on her lips.

To this point, it was hard to tell what she had in mind.

Impossible, is what he would describe right now. Just seconds ago he was able to read her emotions but now it's something that he cant figure out

Is she happy about something?





"I didn't mean it that way..nevermind- Yes of course Chica..you know it already, and it'll be the happiest day of our lives to experience..is there something concerning you?" Foxy asked placing his hand slowly atop of hers which is laying against his desk still.

She pursed her lips gently before sighing small making him anxious and intentive to know what's on her mind and what is she possibly going to tell him

What could it be?

"I'm sorry for making you anxious..silly me, It can't be so hard to say." Chica says in a low voice seeing him nod encouraging her to go on, she gave him her smile of spring and finally she felt the encouragement to tell him

"Go on, I'm all ears...if it's a problem that's bothering you..I'll make sure to fix it." Foxy says reaching his hand over to cup it, for a moment...he could've swore that he saw Mangle instead of Chica

It was like a glitch..

He felt himself going insane, remembering every single word that Mangle told him before and after starting a secret relationship between them two.

To be honest, he didn't know what's happening..all he knew is that he is chasing after her..feeling the need to keep her close...

"Alright...so this might be unexpected and this is new for me to say but I-."

(Ha Cliffhanger....)


But wait


There's more



The faint sound of music playing covering up the slience between the red headed men and the pink headed girl who is laying her head against the car door closing her eyes slightly, foxy glanced over with a gentle smile on his face

Seeing how cute she is even when she's tired. His smile slowly faded away right afterwards slowly drifting his eyes over back to the road.

He didn't realize that a certain pink hair young woman was secretly side eyeing him without making it obvious for his eyes to notice. "Is there something wrong?" She asked opening her eyes up again, slowly turning her body to face him.

Upon hearing her mention something that is bothering him...it made him tense up making him grip the steerling wheel. "No, everything's alright I promise..hey would you like to go dining after this, well after we get home..of course..I really need to have some fun after a long tiring day at work, don't you feel the same way?" He asked hoping his changing of topic works on her, which seemed long..

She stared blankly at him, seeming to understand but also seeming to not let go...her eyes showed it. He was about to speak once more to confess but then she takes over.

"Haha, yeah..that sounds great..I guess that's your answer then, am I right?" She began seeing him nod before his lips brush against her cheek for a moment, she closed her eyes gently

If he were to describe her at this moment as a different being, she would be a cat.

He chuckled slightly at that, making him forget everything that happened earlier..he was shocked and all..to hear the words coming out from Chica


Any guesses on what Chica told Foxy?

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