🍷💵Chapter 40💵🍷

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(The next day)

Everything began smoothly at work, the aroma of clean floors and a loving chestnut scent going around, any smell that will ease someone's mind.

Mangle who just came back after doing something urgent according to Foxy who isn't too happy about that after what happened.

Her smile faded away when she saw him giving her a cold like expression something he has never given her better yet...make her feel it.

Has she done something?

Is she doing a bad job?

So many thoughts came to mind wondering where she went wrong.

"I was going to mention this earlier on in the early but I thought it would be better to confront you now." Foxy began seeing how she seem a bit unpleased with this.

"Confront me about what? Did I do something?" Mangle questioned while approaching over to his office space.

He only gave her a stern look before taking out something from his pocket

Stacks of money.

Had he noticed? She began remembering what she did..

"I found this earlier on, in your room well actually Chica did, she wanted to do you a favor until she saw this...what was the purpose?" Foxy asked not showing any signs of his usual self to her

She only looked at the money in confusions...knowing very well that

She never had any money

Big money

like this..

In her room, it's much more than what she has with her.

"It was under your shelf hidden away, you clearly stoled it...didn't you? If you needed money, you could've just asked me for it." Foxy said seeing how she looked to every part of the room but him

Convincing him that she's guilty of robbery.

"F-Foxy I-I never knew I had such money in my room, do you really think I committed such a thing?" Mangle said in a defensive way seeing how he slowly nodded

Part of him felt wrong for doing this, but what other explanation

Could be found...

"I didn't want to believe it- but it's true, I'm even more convinced since I found something in your room, something that belonged to me." Foxy stated as he grabbed the money away from her view to his pocket where it was.

Her heart stopped, she immediately knew what he was talking about

For that one it's all true..except for stealing his stack of money

He reached in for the business card to display it in her eyes.

Her eyes couldn't help but widen staring at it then back at him feeling nervous now

There was no way to deny it...

"Why did you took interest in this card?" He began waiting for her response

The room began to feel tense and cold

With the slience that surrounded them.

She only bit her lip slightly before having the courage to say it.

"I took interest in it since...I suspected something and it made me realize the truth..your father killed my parents." Mangle spoked out slightly feeling angered out feeling many emotions come in

He felt something punch him hard in the stomach, he couldn't believe it

Process it...

In his head. It had to be a lie, his gaze left hers for a long moment

"Your parents...my father...I can't believe it." He began slowly feeling his hands run throughout his hair.

At that moment he immediately rised up before Connecting his eyes back to her.

"You're part of a family who is committed to crimes- this whole time I had a criminal living with me." Foxy said slightly shocked seeing how her face changed

What does he mean by that?

"Me a criminal? I never robbed or killed anyone- are you serious? Don't you think, you're doing too much? I didn't steal your stack of money." Mangle said while furrowing her eyebrows at him not liking the way he's acting towards her

"Are you sure about that? And the only reason why my father killed your parents was to end their madness but to know they have a daughter." He says while giving her a stern look

"My parents were not criminals! Are you serious? Where are you going with this!?" Mangle argued stepping up infront of his towering height

"I know exactly what I'm talking about, you were planning to do something since you clearly got this, now it makes all sense." Foxy says as he turned his back away from her

"Look- I was but it's to keep you safe something not so long ago happened and-" her words are immediately muffled up when he stopped her

"I don't want to hear it, your parents killed my mother...I knew it I should've listened to Chica about having you and I regret for falling for you as well, there's no doubt that you also stoled all the money that was stolen mysteriously." Reminding Mangle from that situation that occured

"I-I did but if you just listen to m-."

"I won't listen, not to someone like you- I should've let you jump off, one of my biggest regrets." Coldly not realizing how much pain he's causing her

Her heart broke into two then into small pieces since she still loves him..

"I don't want you to end up hating me, you have to hear me out, I'm not what you think." Mangle said in a low voice feeling tears daring to spill out

"I know exactly what I'm talking about, your parents were the biggest thief's and killers..yes it shocks me, never saw you as a bad person..the world is filled with surprises though, my mothers death hurted me so much." Foxy said in grief his eyes trailing to a picture of her with the sweetest smile

"And I was wrong for comparing an angel to a devil like you, if there was a way to change things..I would rather have my mother alive and have you dead." Foxy spoked harshly as he walked over to her working space, he furiously threw the papers off the table

Mangle could only watch him, frozen in place seeing what he has become

The words kept circling around her, muffling out reality.

The words kept going until she felt numb and dizzy, losing touch with reality fully.

Stumbling towards the door to leave, she didn't make it as she collapsed against the hard floor

The last thing she heard was Foxy rushing towards her.

Her world went completely black


Thanks for reading! Until next time

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