🍷💵Chapter 48💵🍷

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Hold on to your seats!

This chapter is sure a shocker!

Or maybe you suspected already and it's not much of a shocker

Read and find out!


Previous chapter

"I hope that soon I'll be happy agai-."

He stopped when he someone who's not aware of this coming fast car, his thoughts soon were gone

Just wanting to save this person's life.

that person's life

Is Mangle's....

He didn't even think at that moment his feet took him over to where the car is about to impact Mangle who still didn't seem to notice until she heard someone shout

Her eyes widen realizing she's in a life or death situation she's going to face

Either life or death...

Fate will be decided

Or maybe it's all planned out for her immediately

She's meant to die in this way..

She couldn't move, her body tensed up

It didn't help at all due to the shock of seeing Foxy after such a long time

Did she dream of this even if she denies it.....

Yes she has...every night feeling that sadness when she remembers Foxy, there's something in the way that can't make her forget him

A reminder....

"Watch out! Foxy yelled out as he sprinted over to the street to prevent this car from hitting her.

I don't want to lose her to this

Foxy told himself feeling frustrated that he's not close to save her from this car impact.

So he did the unthinkable, he sprinted infront of the car and pushed her off with so much force causing her body to fly over to the sidewalk, collapsing hard on the pavement.

her rib cage aching from that fall impact.

She coughed out feeling herself struggling to breathe

That didn't really matter to her at all..

All she could think of

Is Foxy

She didn't want to imagine the worst...

Or even dream of it

Did he sacrifice himself for her? It seemed like it since she doesn't see him nor the car. She panicked and looked around being able to only lift up her head slightly due to the pain that she's going through.

"Easy there, don't get up." She heard a familiar voice speak above her, she slowly focused her eyes to this individual that's standing over her.

Mangle wanted to say something but she couldn't, she was only able to sob from the shock that she experienced.

"You're hurt?" Finally recognizing the voice that reassured her that for her fault he didn't die for her.

"I'm sorry- you could've lost your life! the car was so close..yet, you jumped in and saved me...why-" Mangle cried out seeing how Foxy gave her a small smile that showed his relief

Not just because he saved her

He got to see her again

well and healthy

He assumed, it didn't matter to him as long as she's alive

That will be good enough for him to be assured of her well being.

"Your life has as much value, of course I had to step in mangle..god- I missed you so much, you have nothing to repay me or feel guilty about at all mangle." Now crying showing the emotions that a imitating man can have hidden in his heart

That so many people think of him as a serious man who takes things too seriously.

"Foxy- I missed you too..but I did what was best...I left because of that but there's another reason why I decided to leave that would've changed your life and probably ruin it." As Foxy looked for any signs of injury on her body, he just saw her arm with with bruise and her cheek, as if the artist of his creation made a mistake by putting in the wrong color

"Now why would've you ruined my life? It was actually way better with you...I loved every single moment of it, don't keep this burden in." Foxy softly spoked out putting his hand on the side of her cheek

Remembering how he used to hold her like this every night of their relationship in secret.

"Well it doesn't matter anymore since it's obvious and there won't be any problem that will trouble you since I'm handling it on my own." Mangle utterly seeing his eyes looked confused but frustrated at the same time not understanding her

What does she mean by this?


On my own?


Life changing?

He tried putting then all together like a puzzle piece trying to analyze some possible answers but it was impossible

it could mean many things

It was until he saw what she meant, her hand layed against a bump that's formed on her used to be flat stomach


"Why-." Foxy only managed to say in shock not believing what he's seeing

Is this just a dream?

What's going on here?

"This is what I hid all along- remember when I said that this serious sickness of mine would pass well- it's this, I didn't want to say anything." Mangle sobbed between words seeing how fast Foxy pulled out his phone

"You're kidding? No-." Foxy stiffened seeing how mangle's eyes seem to struggle to stay open

"I know right, I couldn't believe it either nor I had it planned out..in truth I wanted nothing to do with him or her, I had planned to get a abortion..I had the paperwork already but I-." Stopping not handling her hidden emotions that she kept all to herself throughout this time

Foxy didn't say a word he was still in the state of shock while taking in this new information, she didn't stuttered which means she meant it...

"I felt bad...I really did so I-." Not finishing her words as her eyes closed up just hearing Foxy's faint voice before being consumed into this dark pit of nothing


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