Chapter 11: The Day Of Bliss

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As time passed by Scarlet had seen many things that Pennywise did from day to day.

All the scares, all the blood, all the things that nightmares are made of and more. The day finally came when he asked her to stay with him in his sewer home, which she did without question.

Scarlet laid on a mattress that she covered with sleeping bags and blankets she brought from her apartment. Peacefully sleeping under a red sheer canopy that she set up over the bed for more of a homey look.

She wore her Clown outfit she made most of the time to please Pennywise and put a smile on his face when he would return from eating. Some days she would even join him finding the perfect scared child, watching him devour them with his big sharp teeth.

His jaw would get so large it was horrifying, but never to her. She found it exciting and awesome as she would put it.

Pennywise finally got back from his little run.

He looks down at her sleeping form and smiles big. Scarlet wakes up and see's him standing over her with a teenager in his arms knocked out or passed out, she wasn't sure.

"Hello Penny" She smiles.

He giggles in delight at the nick name "Helloo my little turtledove!" He drops the teen onto the bed and jumps on the bed next to her with a huge grin on his face "My dear dear girl I got you a gift to go with a eveeen bigger gift!" He chuckles.

"OOh gifts! I like gifts!"

"Yes my little clown. I brought you this teen for tonight's feast. Before I have to sleep once more."

"Oh don't remind me about that" She pouts. Pennywise grips her chin gently to have her look at him with his white gloved hand. "Don't pout so my dear, for I have another gift that will make the wait worth it."

He suddenly gets up on his knees in front of her and reaches into his pocket, he takes her hand in his and smiles "Will you wait for me, will you be mine foreverrr, will you be my Bride?" He chuckles madly.

Scarlet gets all gitty as he slips the ring he got *A huge ruby* on her finger.

"Yes yes yes! I will!" She grabs him for a big hug. They hug each other for what seems like forever. He kisses her deeply, his snake like tongue rubbing in circles inside her mouth.

"Mmm, I love you, you hot thing from another world you!" She giggles.

" I love you to my sweet treat!"

"Now my dear, now is the time to be mine forever." He grabs her and holds her in front of him his mouth starts to open wide and then wider with roes of teeth pointed, his huge mouth, drool and all comes down over her head.

Her entire head is in his mouth and the thing she see's is the Deadlights becoming brighter and brighter, she feels herself being drawn into them and wanting them to touch her.

Pennywise knows what he has to do next to make her his. He takes his cock out and pushes up into her pussy and he starts moving on her at a fast pace. The sounds of her deep moans in his throat.

While two long arms with pointed ends come from around Pennywise and around her then piercing her back into her spine. She screams within him and he feels the connection start to happen and it begins to take over her body.

The sharp arms pumping it's other worldly essence into her, changing her.

After the deadlights does what they to do her, he takes her head out of his mouth and his mouth goes back to normal human size.

Scarlet is in a dazed state as he continues to fuck her hard and the sharp spines pump into her.

As both of them hit climax Scarlet snaps out of her daze to the feeling of other worldly bliss in the arms of her now husband. The arms come out of her back with a pop.

Her skin is now changed to a white and she has the same red markings on her face as Pennywise, her hair a reddish orange and teeth sharp.

She looks up at him smiling down at her, her eyes golden.

"You are beautiful and now you are like me" He chuckles with glee.

"I feel so...delightful!" She giggles.

"Now it's time to feast before our long sleep"

Pennywise wakes the teen up and the both of them stare at him with huge teeth showing, the teen scared out of his mind. They bite into him ripping the teen apart, blood gushing everywhere.

After that and another round of hard core alien love making, they take each others hands and crawl down into the pit to sleep for another 10 years.

"I love you my Pennywise"

"And I love you my Wife" He laughs madly.

And they Floated happily ever after.

The End.

*Well I hope you enjoyed this short story. I never intended for this little story to get this much support. So thank you all for reading and commenting and faving!

( In this story Pennywise sleeps for 10 years instead of 27 :)  because I can write it that way! so don't ask :D )

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