Chapter 6: Meet Thy Neighbor

Start from the beginning

Jasper watches from the den doorway. He's been standing here for the past ten minutes, and Alice hasn't noticed. If she has, she hasn't acted upon it. He tilts his head to the side as Alice flips the pages of the magazine effortlessly, like she usually does.

"Anything good?" Marianna chirps as she walks in and sits beside Alice. 

"This year's trends are nice," Alice replies as she lays her now complete magazine on the coffee table. "I'm trying to keep my mind off Raelynn."

Marianna smiles. "Don't take Rosalie to heart, Alice. Rae's your mate. You can't control that. Think about her, talk to her at school, get to know her. You know what? Introduce us all to her tomorrow morning."

Alice smiles and she nods in agreement. Jasper smiles in satisfaction before he heads upstairs to talk to Esme.

Caleb is talking about this girl he kind of likes but it's not gonna go anywhere because she's with somebody. A girl named Leah Clearwater. Leah is daring Caleb's friend from the Quiluete reservation, Sam.

"The uninterested crushes are always interesting," Raelynn says. "They're never boring."

"Did you ever have one?" Caleb asks.

"While I was in the mental hospital, I did," Rae replies. "The girl was an anorexic. She was straight and she had a boyfriend. She was so sweet and pretty. But she wasn't into girls."

"What was her name?" Caleb asks as he runs his fingers through his long hair.

"Christine Mars," Raelynn replies. "We were roommates for a while until she turned eighteen. Haven't seen her since... Do you think mom would care if I cooked tonight?"

"She'd probably be relieved," Caleb replies honestly. "I'll help. What are we making?"

For supper, Raelynn makes a pasta carbonara with. Caleb's help. Mary comes home from Charlie's to the smell and her mouth literally waters as she wanders to the dining room, which is where she finds Carla setting the table.

"Baby, who cooked?" Mary asks.

"Raelynn," Carla replies. "She called it pasta carbonara or something. It smells amazing."

"It certainly does," Mary replies and she goes to the kitchen. "Rae, why are you cookin'?"

"To give you a break," Rae replies. "You've been so nice to me since you came to me last month. Then you took me in, gave me a family. Taken care of me. This is me treating you... with Caleb's help since he offered."

Mary kisses Rae and Caleb on their heads before she goes to the fridge. She grabs the pitcher of sweet tea and brings it to the table where Carla is still at while her older kids finish cooking dinner.

Raelynn takes a shower after the family is done eating, and Mary does the dishes wirh Carla's help. Raelynn towel dries her hair in her bedroom while dressed in some satin pajama pants and a pink spaghetti strap with black panties, but no bra.

She puts the towel in the hamper once her hair is damp and she sits in her bed. She grabs her diary and a pen.

January 15, 2005
Dear diary,
It's been a couple days since I last wrote a lot. I'm sorry for the smaller messages. I started Forks High a few days ago. It went as well as one can expect. Caleb was nice, his ex was okay. A bit snobby, but friendly enough I guess.

But the one I was taken back by us Alice Cullen. She is absolutely beautiful. Inside and out. We spent most of my second day in school talking, she was learning all about me. I could touch her and read every thought she had but once I do that, Alice might not look at me the same way.

I'm not saying I'm in love with her. That would be crazy, I barely know her. I do like Alice. It's a crush. Who even knows if the feeling is returned? Alice would. But I'm too chicken shit to ask her how she feels or even tell her how I feel.

Anyways, I'm tired. That's all for tonight.
Rae 🧠

Rae draws a brain and she closes her diary before turning her light off and going to bed.

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