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“Ah the dawn of another glorious day,” Lord Zedd grumbled as he held his Z staff in his left hand while Rita looked through her telescope eager to find a way to defeat the rangers. “Zeddy come look at this!” She called out. Lord Zedd, curious as to what she had found; using his vision he followed his wife’s gaze to a small campus dorm with two young girls ages nineteen and twenty sitting in front of the television watching another humiliating defeat.
“What is this?!” he exclaimed. “Why are college students watching our enemies crushing us,”
“Ugh, it gives me a headache,” she says. “But also an idea,” She said, giving her husband a sinister grin.
“Tell me my sweet, what’s going on in that wicked mind of yours?” He asked.
“Well it’s quite simple Zeddy,” says Rita. “Those kids know everything about those rangers,” she continued. “So why don’t use them to help defeat those pesky power rangers,”
“Why, what a terribly wonderful idea,” Zedd responds as he lifts his staff into the air and a red beam flashes from the staff and hits the two girls, causing them to vanish and appear in their castle. "Hey what's the big idea!? " One of the girls asked
"Oh this one has attitude, I like it, " Lord Zedd exclaimed clearly delighted about having these two girls in his clutches.
"Did we fall asleep watching TV? because it looks like Lord Zedd is talking to us, " The other girl said, being sarcastic.
"How dare you! I'm as real as the headache you're giving me!"
“And may I ask who you are? and why are we here?” says the girl with curly brown hair.
“I am Lord Zedd! Master of the Universe! You shall show me some respect!” he exclaims.
“Right,” says the girl with straight brown hair. “So your name is Ed and--”
“It’s Zedd! You idiot!”
“Hey! Who are you calling an idiot?! I’ll have you know that we are very intelligent and have perfect gpas!”
“Ha! Take that Ed!”
“It’s Zedd you short little girl!”
“Enough Zeddy,” says Rita as she tries to calm her husband down. She turned toward the two girls before them whose arms were crossed with the you got to be kidding me look. “Maybe I should do the talking,” She said coming closer and giving them an evil smirk,
"Little girl, you will look into my eyes and help me defeat the power rangers. "
"Umm lady are you ill or mentally disturbed? because the power rangers are just pretend you know, they’re from a TV show."
“That’s it!” she yells. “Goldar! Get your winged butt in here and help me out with these incompetent children!” Upon hearing his name, Goldar entered the throne room, his golden armor sparkling in the throne room light.
“How can I serve my mistress?”
“Hold these foolish kids for me!” bowing his head he walked over to the curly brown-haired girl and grabbed her by the arms, the girl struggled spatting insults toward Goldar. "Get your hands off me you winged monkey!"
"How dare you, I serve the future rulers of earth!"
“Let her go!” exclaims the other girl as she tries to push Goldar away from her friend only to feel Lord Zedd grab her and drag her back. “Let me go ketchup head!”
“Shut up! Smart mouth!” while she struggled to break free Rita walked over to her friend  getting into her personal space.
“Get out of my face witch lady!”
“Just look into my eyes and you’ll see things from a different perspective,” unable to look away she stared into Rita’s eyes and suddenly found herself in a trance.
“Kristina!” exclaims the girl but before she could break free from Zedd’s grip it was too late as she too fell under Rita’s spell. Zedd let go of her as both girls fell onto their knees, their clothes changed as did their appearance.
“We are ready to serve you Lord Zedd and Rita,”
“Excellent!” says Lord Zedd in a raspy voice, Finster brought over a wooden box with ancient markings on it. He opened it in front of Kristina and Shela who reached in and grabbed the two golden power coins. When their skin made contact, a purple and teal colored beam spread throughout their power granting them the power of the allosaurus and the plesiosaurus. They placed the coins around their necks and tucked them inside their leather shirt.
“Oh boy I thought that was never going to end!” says Baboo.
“Oh it's all so ugly but beautiful!” responds Squatt.
“Silence!” says Rita and Zedd.
“Now, Kristina and Shela, go to angel grove and bring me the power rangers!”
“Yes, your majesties!” responds the girls as their eyes glow teal and purple and left for Angel Grove.

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