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In her contemplative moments, the idea of 'the one' consumed her thoughts. She questioned whether it was a universal concept or reserved solely for dwarrows. Since the clearing, the revelation of Legolas' affection for Lady Tauriel troubled her frequently. The red-haired maiden's heart belonged to a man who had departed the mortal world.

She pondered the possibility of rewriting the threads of fate, wondering if, one day, Legolas and Tauriel could find happiness together. The thought sent a shiver down her spine, drowning her in jealousy.

It seemed possible, for just as Aragorn was destined for Arwen, Eowyn's unrequited love mirrored her own feelings for the Elfin prince. Tauriel had even said, 'Eru Illuvatar does not grant a match to children not of his making.' He pined for Tauriel , not her. Yet, deep within, she knew he was her 'one.'"

Moriwen observed the red-haired maiden, her newfound friend, with a sense of appreciation. In the recent days, Tauriel had been keeping her company more frequently than even the Elfin prince himself. Legolas often found himself dispatched by his father to scout the woodlands, and more often than not, Tauriel was assigned to accompany him. However, Legolas had proposed to his father that the dwarven girl needed a friend to alleviate her loneliness.

Moriwen felt a deep sense of gratitude towards the Elfin prince for his consideration. His thoughtful gesture had allowed her to form a genuine bond with Tauriel, who had become a constant source of companionship and support during her stay in the woodland realm.

Have you taken a liking to anyone, Lady Moriwen?" Tauriel playfully inquired, her voice light and teasing. She reclined gracefully on a rail, her gaze fixed upon a leaf she idly twirled between her fingers, the dappled sunlight dancing through the forest canopy casting a soft glow upon her features.

Moriwen considered Tauriel's question, Her heart began to beat a little faster, and her mind was filled with fleeting images of the Elfin prince. It was an unspoken secret that had taken root in her heart, one she couldn't readily reveal.

Her voice carried the weight of her unspoken feelings as she replied, "I-I've certainly grown fond of the forest's beauty and the kindness of its people, especially with friends like you by my side. But, as for matters of the heart, it's all rather new and unfamiliar for me." The truth was too complex to put into words; her heart was drawn to the very man who pined for her friend's love, a delicate situation that she held close to her chest.

Tauriel's words held a kind and reassuring tone as she spoke to the younger dwarven girl. Her gaze was distant, filled with the weight of her own experiences and the memories of centuries. "If you ever come to love someone, do not hesitate to consult with me," she offered, her eyes carrying a distant, yet sad longing. The depth of her wisdom and the stories she held were written into her gaze, revealing the many years she had spent navigating the complex realm of love.

Feeling a bit unsettled, Moriwen's thoughts drifted back to the Elfin prince. Was he truly in love with the red-haired maiden? The question had been lingering in her mind, and she felt an urge to know the truth. Recognizing that she had grown somewhat comfortable with Tauriel and trusting her newfound friend, Moriwen sensed that now might be the appropriate time to ask and confirm whether Legolas was indeed smitten with the red-haired elf. She needed to unravel the mystery that had been gnawing at her since that day in the forest clearing.

Thinking twice before she voiced her inquiry, Moriwen hesitated for a moment. Her desire to know the truth and the trust she had developed in Tauriel gave her the courage to proceed. She looked at the red-haired maiden with a hint of uncertainty in her eyes and asked, "Lady Tauriel... would it be acceptable to ask a rather intimate question?" Her voice carried a tone of caution, as she approached a subject she had been pondering for some time.

Tauriel's bright blue eyes held a hint of surprise at the unexpected request. However, she quickly composed herself and offered a warm and understanding smile. "Yes, of course," she replied, her tone encouraging and open, ready to listen to Moriwen's inquiry.

Moriwen's heart raced as she gathered the courage to pose her question. Her fingers fidgeted with anxious energy as she nervously inquired, "Is it possible that Prince Legolas has affections for you?" Her voice carried the tremors of uncertainty, and her gaze fixed on Tauriel, searching for any hints or clues that might unravel the enigma of the Elfin prince's feelings. The forest's serene stillness heightened.

Was she ensnared in her secret? Had Tauriel discerned her hidden yearning for the prince? The prospect of her friend discovering that the suitor pursuing her was the very man she secretly longed for was a source of concern.

silence hung in the air before the red-haired maiden finally admitted with candor, "Yes, but I cannot reciprocate his affections."

"From the very moment I resolved to leave, he was well aware of my decision," she paused, her expression revealing a complex blend of emotions, before adding, "Nevertheless, he chose to follow me, even if it meant to defy The King's command"

Tauriel continued, fervently describing to the dwarven girl just how unwavering the Elfin Prince had been in his determination to accompany her beyond the Woodland's boundaries, all the way to the lonely mountain where she chased after her long-lost love, Kili.

She couldn't bring herself to disclose to the Elfin maiden that Kili was among her ancestors. Instead, she maintained her silence and allowed her to speak further, until she uttered, "And now, here we are, it appears that even after a few hundred years, he has not found the resolve to move on."

"The king is not very fond of me, I have put his son into many predicaments" she confesses
"I've Absolved his advances many times"

"Yet he had loved you for more than a few hundred years..." Moriwen expressed, her words lingering in the air like a delicate whisper. Tauriel's eyes widened, a realization dawning upon her. She noticed the subtle nuances in her friend's demeanor, recognizing that Moriwen might harbor unrequited feelings for the prince who was ardently pursuing her. The forest seemed to hold its breath, as if awaiting the resolution of a complex and delicate tale of love and longing.

"Is the prince something more to you?" Tauriel delicately inquired, her blue eyes fixed on Moriwen with a knowing gaze. Moriwen, taken aback by the directness of the question, let out a nervous laugh, attempting to ease the tension. "Ha! ha!... I was just saying, of course, I will tell you, Lady Tauriel, when I come to love someone," she stammered, her attempt at lightening the moment accompanied by a playful yet uneasy smile.

Tauriel couldn't help but smile, her eyes holding a gentle understanding. "There's no need for you to deny the fact that you have taken a liking to Legolas. I see it," she told Moriwen, her words carrying a warmth that invited honesty. The air between them seemed to soften, as the red-haired elf acknowledged the unspoken feelings that lingered in Moriwen's heart.

"Really... I thought that you would react negatively... since he seems to be pining for you," Moriwen confessed solemnly, her eyes downcast. Tauriel acknowledged her friend's vulnerability, gently reaching out to comfort her. "Yes, but I do not return his affection, remember?" she reassured the smaller girl, her words carrying both honesty and a sense of understanding.

"Come now, let us return under the glade. Shall we meet him, and I shall set you up?" Tauriel jests, laughter dancing in her eyes. Moriwen blushed furiously, shaking her head in protest to the elfin maiden. "No, no! You must not tell him, Lady Tauriel!" she exclaimed, her cheeks tinged with a deeper shade of red. The playful banter between them echoed through the woodland

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2023 ⏰

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