Chapter 2- My Own Strength! The Strength of a New Comerade!

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From what her parents had told her, Aika had lived a pretty normal life. But according to her parents, she went through a horrible motorcycle accident when she was 10 years old which caused her to severely damage both of her legs. She wore casts on both her legs for a few months and eventually went back to walking again. Her legs however, were not completely healed as her bones were still pretty damaged. So right before she started middle school, she had a surgery where the bones in her legs were straightened out. She was in a wheelchair for about 4 months after her surgery, which lead to her meeting Natsu and becoming friends.

All those memories rushed back to her, while pressing away at the keys of her piano. Through her darkest of times, music seemed to always cheer her up. Hearing the light notes of the piano cleared her mind and warmed her heart with happiness. She felt so lucky to have met Natsu. She had always helped her when she was in her wheelchair and celebrated when she got out of her wheelchair. She remembered that they had a sleepover at Natsu's house to celebrate. She had never felt happier in her whole life that night. She wondered if she could help her one day, just like she had helped her. With her very own strength.

Natsu had returned home late that evening. "Natsu! Where on Earth were you?!" Her mother shouted from the kitchen. "I was at a friend's house," she replied. "I called you a million times and you didn't answer! I thought you were kidnapped!" "I'm sorry. I think I had left my phone at the house." "It's okay. Just make sure you remember next time and answer when I call you." "I know." After dinner, Natsu put her pajamas on and started reading a book. Even though it was the weekend, she didn't feel like staying up tonight with all that went on that day. She turned off her lamp and laid down. "Goodnight, Natsu." "Goodnight.......wait, what are you doing in here?!

Natsu burst out of bed and turned on her lamp. "I'm your partner, remember? It makes more sense for me to stay with you, until our mission is complete." "What mission? Also can you please explain what went on today?" Natsu asked. "Of course I can! You see, far away from this world is a place called Crystalline Kingdom. It's a magical place decked of many crystals and jewels. It's protected by the power of the four Crystal Lights. Pink of love, Green of courage, Yellow of faith and Red of passion. They were however stolen by an evil group called the Dark Crystals, controlled by their leader Moonstone."

"Without the Crystal Lights, our world fell into despair and I was the only one able to escape. The Crystal Lights had escaped to Earth and taking the form of a gemstone. That's why I came to Earth to find them before they did." "But that still doesn't answer my question. Why do I have to fight?" "Well, that monster you fought today was a Dark Sparkle. It's a monster born from possessing a persons inner sparkle. Sparkles are a magical substance found in every living being, which gives them life and energy. So when they're taken away, they become mindless and their sparkle gets possessed by dark energy and turns into a Dark Sparkle. The pink light has chosen you to become a Pretty Cure and fight the Dark Sparkles, which is why you transformed. Does that answer your question?"

"I guess it does, but I have another one. Are there any other Pretty Cures?" "Well there are four Crystal Lights and the first one has chosen you, so I would say yes. I'm not exactly sure though, but that's my best estimate. So Natsu, will you accept your destiny as a Pretty Cure?" Natsu thought about it for a while before nodding her head. "Yay! Welcome to the team, Cure Crystal!" "Thanks. Now I need to get some sleep." "Okay, goodnight!" Natsu turned off the lights again and laid down in bed. She wasn't sure if she was really willing to fight for a another world, but this was what she asked for, so she couldn't possibly refuse.

The next morning was Saturday and Natsu walked over to Aika's house to hang out. "So who is Aika exactly?" Pearl asked. "She is my best friend, who attends the same school as me." Natsu replied. "School? What is that?" "I'll tell you later." Natsu walked up the railing to the front door and knocked. "Hi, Natsu! Come in!" Aika opened the door and Natsu walked in. Since Aika was in a wheelchair for quite some time, her bedroom was on the first floor next to the kitchen instead of upstairs where it used to be before her surgery. She and Natsu sat down on her bed and began talking. "Wow, your room hasn't changed a bit!" said Natsu. "Yeah. Even though I can walk again, I still decided to stay in this room."

"I can't blame you, honestly. This is a very cute room!" Aika's room was smaller than Natsu's, but more decked out. Her walls were a minty green color with white butterflies near the ceiling. Her bed was next to the wall with her nightstand right next to it and a small TV stood in the other corner of the room. "You know, Natsu. Ever since I've first meet you, you've always been taking care of me. But I've never done anything to help you. Even after my legs recovered, I still didn't do anything for you. I wonder if I'm really that great of a friend." "That isn't true, Aika! You do help me! You stay with me and never leave my side! Whenever I'm feeling down, you're always there to cheer me up! So don't go saying that you're useless!"

Before Aika could say anything, Natsu suddenly stood up. She could feel something was off. Suddenly, she knew. It was a Dark Sparkle. "Sorry, Aika! I've got to go!" Natsu ran out the door before Aika could stop her. Aika didn't know what was going on, until she saw a monster out of her window. She got herself to her feet and ran after her. When she caught up to the monster, she couldn't see Natsu anywhere. The only other person there was a blonde haired girl in a pink costume fighting the monster. She was amazed at what she saw. As the girl was about to punch the monster, it dodged it and she fell to the ground. "I'm not done with you yet! I need to stop you no matter what it takes!"

Aika recognized that voice. She couldn't be mistaken, it was Natsu! And she was in grave danger. She could save her, but she was no match for that monster. But she had to at least try, she had to be brave. If she couldn't do it, who else would? Just when Aika was about to run towards the monster, a bright green light shined from her and pushed the monster aside. "Huh? Is that....Aika?" Natsu exclaimed. A light shined from Pearl's shell and a green heart shaped locket appeared before Aika. "This is my chance to save my friend! My chance to protect her! I'll do whatever it takes to help her!" She grabbed the locket and the light completely surrounded her.

Transformation Sequence
The locket opens and Aika waves her hand around it. "Sparkle! Pretty Cure Crystallization!" She twirls the sparkle from the locket with her finger. Her boots appear first, followed by her armbands and her dress. Her hair grows in length and becomes more curly. Her hair changes color and a small section of hair is styled in a side ponytail. "The flourishing light of life! Cure Misty!" Aika had now transformed into a similar looking heroine as Natsu, but in green and white.

Natsu couldn't believe what she just saw. Aika, her best friend, had transformed into a Pretty Cure! "Aika?!" She exclaimed. Before she could say anything else, Aika flew towards the monster and landed a good kick to its head. "Are you really Natsu?" Aika asked. "Yeah, I am. I'll explain all of this later. We need to purify this monster first." Natsu and Aika joined hands and gave the monster a kick together. They worked together to fight until it was at a weakened state. "Alright, Aika! Focus on all your power and purify it!" "Got it!"

Attack Sequence
Aika taps her locket and a green light appears. It takes the form of a baton just like Natsu's. "Sparkle Star Baton!" She began to twirl it with her hand and creates a light. "Let the power of light return your sparkle! Pretty Cure! Sparkling Flower Catch!" She threw her baton at the monster, trapping it a green loop. "I'm sparkling....." it says as its purified.

"Darn it! I lost again!" Obsidian complained from above. "Curse those Pretty Cure! I'll get them next time!" As Natsu and Aika de-transform, everything returns to normal. "Don't worry, Aika." Natsu began. "No one will remember what just happened, except for us." Natsu helped Aika to her feet and they both started home. Natsu and Pearl began to explain everything to Aika on the way home. "So we basically have to become Pretty Cure to find the Crystal Lights and stop the Dark Crystals?" Aika asked. "That's about the gist of it." said Natsu. "The green light has chosen you because of your strong bravery to save your friend. So will you accept their offer?" Pearl asked.

Aika began to smile. "Of course I'll accept. I'm not just going to let them get away with taking everyone's sparkle! And with Natsu with me, we'll won't lose!" Natsu smiled back. "I'm so glad you became a Pretty Cure! I couldn't have asked for anyone better!" Pearl held out her fin to Aika. "Welcome to the team, Cure Misty!" She grabbed hold of her fin and smiled back. "I'm glad to be of your service!" The feeling Aika felt was a mix of relief and happiness. She had saved her best friend, with her very own strength and for that one moment alone, it was all she could ever wish for. "I am forever grateful. Thank you!"

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