Chapter 13~ Unbelieveable! The 5th Pretty Cure, Cure Quartz!

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"That can't be....Quartzite?" Momoka remarked. "I believe it is." said Aika. "You did it, Natsu! You've restored her!" Akari congratulated her. "Thanks," said Natsu, slightly blushing. "But we should probably get her somewhere. We could take her to my house." "Good idea." They picked up the girl with Pearl next to her in fairy form and they headed to Natsu's house.

The girl eventually woke up after a while and found herself in a strange bedroom. She had no idea what was going on. "Quartz! You're finally awake!" Natsu walked in with a plate of food for her. "Wh...who are you? Where am I?" "Wow, she really doesn't remember us." said Momoka. The others walked in and smiled. "Maybe this will spark your memory." She took out her locket and so did the others. Her eyes widened upon seeing them. She remembered now. She was brainwashed by Moonstone and turned into a villian called Quartzite.

"It can't be....Pretty Cure..." "That's right. We're the Pretty Cure." said Aika. She instantly started having flashbacks, fighting the Pretty Cure and causing them pain. She felt tears fall from her eyes. "Quartz?" "I'm sorry....I've done so many horrible things to you guys. I'm sorry." "Hey, Quartz. It's okay. It's not your fault." "Yes it is. I shouldn't have fallen for Moonstone's trap. I should have been smarter." "Sis please don't say that!" Pearl walked over to her. "Pearl? Is that you?" "Yes, it's me!" "What happened to you? Why are you a turtle?"

"Well, this is just a disguise I used to escape the Crystalline Kingdom to find the Crystal Lights." "How come you never told us you can turn into a human?" Akari asked. "Well I'm not exactly a human, but I have the appearance of one. But anyways, I didn't think it was necessary until now to reveal that." Pearl turned back to Quartz. "I missed you so much, sis!" "I missed you too, little sis." "Well if anything we need to figure what we're going to do with her. She can't go back to the Crystalline Kingdom cause of its current state."

"She could maybe stay here at my house. I just need to ask my mom about it when she comes home." said Natsu. "How am I going to explain all this?" "Well you'll have to find a way, because you can't tell her about this whole Pretty Cure business." said Akari. "That won't be necessary. I'd only be a burden to you. I'll be fine on my own." "Quartz! Where are you going?" "Don't look at me! Don't look at a monster like me!" "But, Quartz! You're not a monster!" "Yes I am! I'm nothing but a monster! Get away from me!" She ran away in a fury. "I'll go after her." said Pearl.

Quartz ran and ran. She ran for a long time, that she didn't know where she was anymore. She didn't care, she didn't want them to even be around her. She felt more flashbacks rushing back to her. She remembered being approached by Moonstone and following her to a place she's never been to before. She remembered the pain she felt when Moonstone started to take control of her and lead her to eventually becoming Quartzite. "Why? Why did I have to fall for her trap? This is all my fault, for being so stupid."

"Well well, look who we have here." She looked up and saw none other than Obsidian. "You didn't return so Moonstone sent me to look for you, but who would have thought the Pretty Cure would defeat you." He revealed the Sparkle of someone he took and smirked. "Capture the light, Dark Sparkle!" A Dark Sparkle was born and stood right in front of Quartz. "Take care of her first, then the Pretty Cure." The Dark Sparkle crept towards Quartz and just as it was about to lay a blow on her, the cures appeared just in time to save her.

"Pretty Cure...." Quartz exclaimed. "Sorry we're late, Quartz." Crystal apologized. "You're going to pay for trying to hurt Quartz!" Hazel yelled. The cures began fighting the Dark Sparkle, but didn't have much luck. They were already fairly weak from their last battle, so they were easily knocked down. "Finish them, Dark Sparkle!" Quartz stared in horror as the Dark Sparkle approached the weakened cures. "Why? Why are they sacrificing themselves for me? I'm nothing but a monster." She muttered. "Enough already, sis!" Pearl snapped.

"You have done bad things, you have made mistakes, but it's all in the past. This is now. Believe in who you are now and fight for what you think is right!" "Believe in who I am now?" Quartz looked back at the scene and made up her mind. "They protected me, despite all I've done to them. Now it's my turn to protect them!" She ran towards the Dark Sparkle and shielded them. "Quartz?! What are you doing?!" "Protecting you of course!" "You're seriously protecting them? I thought you hated them." said Obsidian. "Yes, but that's in the past. I'll believe in who I am now and protect them no matter what!"

A white light emerged from Pearl's back and grew around Quartz. "This light! That could only mean!" From that white light, a white locket appeared in front of Quartz. Without hesitation, she grabbed the locket.

Transformation Sequence
Quartz opens the locket and waves it with her hand. "Sparkle! Pretty Cure Crystallization!" She twirls the light that emerges with her finger. She surrounds herself in white light which glows into her armbands, boots and dress. Her hair grows longer and swirls into a drill like ponytail. Her hair turns white with a lavender purple fade. She lands a perfect landing surrounded by glitter. "The crystal clear light in the dark! Cure Quartz!"

The cures stared in awe. They couldn't believe what they just saw. Quartz....their old enemy, just transformed into a Pretty Cure. "No way....Cure Quartz?!" "Unbelievable! A new Pretty Cure?! Dark Sparkle!" The Dark Sparkle darted towards her, but she was quick. She was easily able to dodge its attack. She fought back and easily caught it off guard. It did not take long at all for her to weaken it. She looked down at her locket and immediately knew what to do next.

Attack Sequence
She taps her locket and a bow and arrow appears instead of a baton. "Clear Quartz Arrow!" She grabs ahold of it and summons an arrow made of Quartz. She pulls it back and aims it at the Dark Sparkle. "Let the power of light return your sparkle! Pretty Cure! Sparkling Mirror Shot!" She shot her arrow and hit the Dark Sparkle. A sparkling white barrier grew around it and purified it. "I'm sparkling....."

"I've got to tell Moonstone about this!" said Obsidian as he disappeared. Quartz returned to normal and couldn't believe what just happened. The others couldn't believe it either. They simply looked at her with shock. "Quartz...." Natsu began. She left before she could say anything else.

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