Chapter 18~ Aika Gets A Love Letter! Aika's Protective Heart!

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It was the start of another week of school and Aika was on her way to school. As soon as she entered the building, she was greeted by Natsu and Kaori. "Hey, Natsu! Hey, Kaori!" She waved to them. "Oh, hey Aika!" They waved back to her. She headed to her locker and was about to change her shoes, when something fell out her locker. "What's this?" Aika wondered. It was a simple envelope with a pink heart on it. "A pink heart? Could that mean....a love letter?!" Natsu exclaimed.

"A what?" Kaori asked. "A love letter. It's a letter where people confess their love to another." Natsu explained. "Why couldn't they just tell them in person?" "I don't know. That's just how it tends to work." Aika took one look at the letter and threw it away. "Aika? Why'd you throw it away?" Natsu asked. "I get them a lot and it's the same thing every time." She responded. "What do you mean?" Aika didn't answer as the bell rang as they spoke. "Let's go. We'll be late for homeroom."

Just as the three of them entered their class, they were approached by a boy. "Hey, Aika! What's your deal with rejecting his love letter?" He asked her. "I'm terribly sorry, but I'm not looking for romance at the moment." She simply responded as she headed to her seat. "Geez, what is with her?" "It's no surprise that Aika is very popular with the boys here at school and gets love letters quite frequently." said Natsu. "But even so, she always turns them down." "I wonder why that is?" Akari wondered. "We should maybe ask her at lunch!" Momoka suggested.

Lunchtime came around and Aika ate with her friends like usual. "Hey Aika. How come you turned that guy down earlier?" Momoka asked. Aika looked up at them and sighed. "To tell the truth....I'm not really sure why." "What do you mean?" Akari asked. "Well.....I don't know......I've just always been so cautious around stuff like this and I don't know why. I don't remember anything from the past that could have caused this. I don't even remember ever having relationships before." "That's strange." said Natsu. "Super strange." Momoka added.

"Yeah. When I took one look at that letter, my first instinct was to throw it away. But I don't know why." "Maybe it had to do with a past relationship." Kaori suggested. "I just told you, I don't remember anything like that ever happening." "Maybe it might have been erased from your memory." "Kaori, stuff like that doesn't happen on Earth." Natsu sighed. "But then again, we all became Pretty Cures." Momoka considered. "Well yeah....but that was because we were chosen by Crystal Lights to protect a faraway kingdom. I don't think that would have anything to do with erasing someone's memories."

"'re probably right. I don't see why any of that would have anything to do with erasing memories." said Kaori. "So I guess it'll forever be a mystery." said Aika. Time passed and the school day was over. Aika headed home and immediately head to the piano. She found that playing her piano after school calms her mind and relaxes her after a long day. But even so, she couldn't help but think about this morning. "Why am I so cautious of boys? I don't get it."

Meanwhile, Obsidian was patrolling the city when he came across the boy who tried to ask Aika out. "He will do nicely." He took out his staff. Asuka. "Let the power of darkness dull the sparkle of your heart! Capture the light, Dark Sparkle!" Just as the Dark Sparkle appeared, Aika was quick to arrive at the scene. "That boy! I've gotta save him!" She took out her locket.

Transformation Sequence
The locket opens and Aika waves her hand around it. "Sparkle! Pretty Cure Crystallization!" She twirls the sparkle from the locket with her finger. Her boots appear first, followed by her armbands and her dress. Her hair grows in length and becomes more curly. Her hair changes color and a small section of hair is styled in a side ponytail. "The flourishing light of life! Cure Misty!"

"Oh so it's just the green one today?" Obsidian chuckled. "Yes, but that doesn't mean I'll go easy on you!" She bolted towards the Dark Sparkle and pushed it back. She jumped into the air and laying a sheer kick to the Dark Sparkle. She repeated this cycle, until it was quite weakened. "Now's my chance!"

Attack Sequence
Aika taps her locket and a green light appears. It takes the form of a baton just like Natsu's. "Sparkle Star Baton!" She began to twirl it with her hand and creates a light. "Let the power of light return your sparkle! Pretty Cure! Sparkling Flower Catch!" She threw her baton at the monster, trapping it a green loop. "I'm sparkling....." it says as its purified.

"Ugh. Every single time!" Obsidian groaned as he disappeared. Aika immediately de transformed and left as soon as the boy regained his sparkle. Aika returned to playing her piano as if nothing happened. "I don't think I should worry that for now. I'm just happy that no matter what, my friends will always be there for me and I'll be there for them. I'll be able to protect them, with my own strength." Aika thought to herself. "I love them, very much!"

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