Chapter 15~ A New Normal! Kaori's First Day of School!

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Natsu laid on her bed in exhaustion. "I can't believe I actually managed to convince them." She muttered. She had returned home with Kaori after the fight to come across her mom and Asuka. "Umm Natsu? Who is this?" "Oh this is Kaori Suzuki. She's student and.....was supposed to stay at a family's home....but they got....evicted at the last minute. I found her and wanted to know if she stay here and attend school for the time being." Her and Asuka looked at each other in confusion, but eventually agreed.

"Sorry I caused you so much trouble." Kaori apologized. "No it's okay! If anything now that you're staying here on Earth for a while, you'll be able to go to school." "School? What's that?" "Oh they must not have schools in the Crystalline Kingdom huh....well school is basically a place you go to learn certain skills needed in the future." Kaori listened clearly interested. "This school sounds interesting." "Yes well, you'll be attending our school Kagakira Junior High School with the rest of us. You're first day is coming up in a few days as we need to get your supplies and uniform."

A few days passed and Kaori was now getting ready for her first day of school. She put on her uniform and styled her hair in a low ponytail. She looked in the mirror and smiled. "Not bad. Let's see what this school is like." She grabbed her bag and left the room. "There you are, Kaori! You look nice!" said Natsu. "Thank you." "Let's get going!" She took Kaori by the hand and they walked out the door. "How far away is this school?" Kaori asked. "It's not too far. It usually just a fifteen minute walk." They soon arrived at the entrance to meet with the others.

"Quar....I mean Kaori! Happy first day of school!" Momoka exclaimed. "Let's head to the locker room now." "What's a locker room?" Kaori asked. "A place for you to place your shoes and change them at the beginning and end of a school day." After changing their shoes, they headed to their class. "As I informed you a few days ago, we have a new student joining us. You may come in now, Suzuki-san." Kaori opened the door and walked into the classroom. She stood front of the class as practiced. "Now introduce yourself." "I'm Kaori Suzuki. Nice to meet you." She took a bow while everyone else clapped.

She took a seat in the second row while the boys looked at her. Some time passed and it was now lunch time. "Yes! Finally lunchtime!" Akari exclaimed. "Lunchtime?" "It's a period of the day for us to eat lunch." Natsu explained. "What will we be eating?" "You'll see!" Kaori followed the others to the rooftop and sat next to them. Natsu grabbed an extra bento box and gave it to Kaori. "What is this?" "Your lunch. It's a bento box. Mom made an extra one for you. It's really good!" Natsu started eating and so did everyone else.

Kaori opened her bento and took a bite. Her eyes lit up instantly. "It's good." She replied. "Glad you like it!" But just as they were beginning to enjoy themselves, a group of boys approached them. They looked Kaori in the eyes and smirked. "Look who we have here? Has a new angel fell from heaven?" "Get lost! We're trying to eat!" Natsu shooed them away. "Don't pay attention to them. They do this to every new female student we have." "Yeah. Literal pain." Akari sighed.

Kaori and Natsu returned home exhausted that day. Well, Kaori was more exhausted as it was her first day. "I must say, I didn't expect school to be this difficult." Kaori sighed. "I know Kaori. It's only the first day. Besides, school isn't always easy at times. But it'll get better. I promise." A few days had passed and Kaori was learning new things everyday. She learned how to read and write, how to turn on a television, how to eat like everyone else and even how to do laundry. It was stressful for her, but she carried on.

The end of her first week was ending and just as she and Natsu were about to head home, they came across Onyx. He had taken one of the boys Sparkle. "Let's go, Kaori!" "Right!" They took out their lockers and transformed. "The bright shine of love! Cure Crystal!" "The crystal clear light in the dark! Cure Quartz!" "Well, well. Long time no see, Quartzite." He sneered. "Don't call me that!" She yelled. "Get them, Dark Sparkle!" The two joined forces and worked together to fight against the Dark Sparkle. They easily managed to weaken it. "Now's your chance, Quartz!" "Got it!"

Attack Sequence
She taps her locket and a bow and arrow appears instead of a baton. "Clear Quartz Arrow!" She grabs ahold of it and summons an arrow made of Quartz. She pulls it back and aims it at the Dark Sparkle. "Let the power of light return your sparkle! Pretty Cure! Sparkling Sparkling Mirror Shot!" She shot her arrow and hit the Dark Sparkle. A sparkling white barrier grew around it and purified it. "I'm sparkling....."

As everything returned to normal, Natsu and Kaori smiled at each other. "We make a great combo." said Natsu. "I agree." The other three appeared immediately. "Welp, looks like we're too late." Akari sighed. "Sorry we weren't there, guys!" Momoka apologized. "Don't worry about it. It's okay." Kaori responsed. "Let's just head home. I've got some of that 'homework' to do." "We can do it together!" Natsu exclaimed. "Yeah." Kaori smiled to herself.

Maybe human life isn't as tough as I thought.

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