Chapter 1- A Brand New Start! The Beginning of Cure Crystal!

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It all started in a world far away from this world. A world called Crystalline Kingdom. It's a place you would expect to see in a fairytale. Crystal clear skies, bright green grass, colorful flowers and jewel styled architecture. Why is this place so beautiful, you may ask. Well that's because its controlled by a magical force called the Crystal Lights. They're magical rays of light that give this world life and sparkle. Without it, this world would suffer and become a dark place. Everyone hoped for that day to never come, but then it came. A certain group called the Dark Crystals invaded the kingdom in hopes to steal the Crystal Lights. They however were successful and it caused the world to fall into despair. Only one of the fairies named Pearl was able to escape before falling into despair. The Crystal Lights had managed to escape from their grasp, so she must find them to restore her home.

"Natsu? Natsu!" A brown haired girl so named Natsu looked up from her book. "Are you almost ready?" "Almost!" She sighed. It was time to start yet another day of school. Yesterday had gone by and today had arrived. Natsu closed her book and put it into her book bag. She grabbed her bag as she left her bedroom and ran downstairs. Her mother was waiting for her when she arrived. "Are you sure you have everything? You're not forgetting anything?" "Yes. I have everything." "Well then, have a good day at school!" She gave her mother a hug and rushed out the door.

This girl is Nakasato Natsu. A third year at Kagakira Junior High School. She lives with her mother and her older sister Asuka. She lives a perfectly normal life. She goes to school, gets good grades and never gets in trouble. Natsu however, dislikes it. Every day is pretty much the same and barley anything changes. She never really cared before, but now she's grown sick of it. She wants something new and exciting to happen. She wants to go on a fun and exciting adventure just like the ones in her favorite books. Natsu has a big love for reading and has a big imagination because of that. Whenever she opens a book and starts reading, she feels like she's getting sucked into a magic portal into a magical world of fantasy and adventure. And it takes a while for her to snap back into the real world.

The school day went on as normal that day, with nothing out of the ordinary happening, much to Natsu's dismay. After school that day, Natsu invited her best friend Morimoto Aika over to her house. Aika had recently gotten out of her wheelchair after she went through a major leg surgery. Natsu had become friends with her back when she was still in a wheelchair and they've been friends ever since. "Wow!" Aika exclaimed as she entered her bedroom. "Your room looks different." "Yeah, we rearranged my room over the weekend." said Natsu. Aika sat down on the floor next to Natsu's bed. Right next to her bed was her bookshelf where every shelf was filled with books. "Is it just me or do you have more books than the last time I came here."

"Yeah, I got a few more books since then." "You really are a bookworm! Your nose in always in book and your head is always in the clouds." "I can't help it! Reading is one of my favorite things to do! All the action, adventure, mystery, and fantasy! It's all just so magical!" Natsu gushed. "I can't blame you. Reading is a very exciting experience." "I just wish that the real world was just as magical." "Well, you may not notice it, but it already is magical. The precious times we spent with our friends and family make our lives magical in our own unique way." "Wow. That's quite a unique way of saying that." "I know. But the way I see it, it's true."

Meanwhile right on top the roof of an office building, stood a man dressed in black and holding a staff with a black gem at the top. "This looks like the perfect hiding spot for a Crystal Light and a fairy!" He said to himself. "Let's lure it out shall we?" He pointed his staff at a random person walking down the street. "Let the power of darkness dull the sparkle of your heart!" Darkness rose from his staff and into the person's heart. A sparkly light rose from him as he fell to the floor. "Capture the light, Dark Sparkle!" He fused the same darkness from his staff with this magical sparkle and a giant monster appeared. A small turtle like fairy was just flying by, when it saw the monster. "It's a Dark Sparkle! I've got to stop it!"

As Natsu and Aika were having an afternoon snack, they suddenly heard a loud crash. "What was that?!" Natsu exclaimed. They ran to the window to find a giant monster storming through the city. "What is that?!" Aika exclaimed. "What is going on here?!" Natsu was wondering the same thing herself, when she suddenly saw a small little turtle chasing after the monster. "Oh no! I've got to go after it!" Then without thinking, she ran out the house after it. "Natsu, no! It's dangerous!" Her mom called out, but she was already gone. She ran as fast as her legs can take her until she found herself in the city park. It was completely empty with the exception of her, the turtle and the monster.

She ran over to the turtle and grabbed it. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?" She asked. The turtle looked up surprised. "Yes, I'm okay. But why did you run all the way out here to save me?"  "Because I can't stand people who hurt others when they've done nothing wrong. I really hate it!" The man from before had followed them and saw Natsu protecting the turtle. "And just what do you think you're doing, foolish human?" "I should be asking you the same thing!" She shouted back. "You're actions are absolutely unacceptable! It's bad enough terrorizing our city, but picking on a small helpless creature is crossing the line!" "I don't have time to deal with you," he sighed. "Dark Sparkle, stomp them flat!"

The monster began to approach Natsu, but she didn't move a muscle. "What are you doing?! You've got to get out of here!" The turtle exclaimed. "No, I'm not leaving! I'm going to fight back! I'm not going to let him get away with this!" Just as Natsu began to stretch out her arms, a pink light emerged from her, giving her the strength to push the monster back. "What on Earth?!" He exclaimed. The same light arose from the turtles shell and a pink heart shaped locket appeared in her hands. "Wow, what is this?" Natsu asked. "The legendary Pretty Locket?! That must mean...." Natsu opened the locket and the light completely surrounded her.

Transformation Sequence
The locket opens and Natsu waves her hand around it. "Sparkle! Pretty Cure Crystallization!"
She twirls the sparkle coming from the locket with her finger and makes a loop. Her boots appear first, followed by her armbands, skirt and top. She flips her hair, which causes her hair to change color and put into low twintails. Afterwards, she moves to her introductory speech. "The bright shine of love! Cure Crystal!" Once the light disappears, a blonde haired heroine has now replaced the brown haired student.

"What?! It can't possibly be a.......Pretty Cure?!" The Villian exclaimed. "Cure Crystal!" The turtle exclaimed. "The Pretty Cure of the Crystals!" Natsu didn't have time to react as the summoner had already sent his monster to attack. She was able to dodge its attack and flew at it at full speed, knocking it to the floor. When it got back up, she ran towards it and gave it a good punch. She fought with all her heart, thinking of nothing but defeating it. When it finally grew weak, it fell to the floor. "Crystal! Now you need to purify it! Call upon your sparkle power to capture its dark sparkle!" "Got it!"

Attack Sequence
Natsu tapped the locket at her chest, which created another pink light and out came a baton with two stars attached. "Sparkle Star Baton!" She grabbed the baton and began twirling with her hand! "Let the power of the light return your sparkle! Pretty Cure! Sparkling Light Catch!" She threw her baton at the monster, trapping it in a pink loop, purifying it. "I'm sparkling....." it murmured as it purified.

Afterwards, the monster had disappeared with a sparkly light in its place. As it flew off and returned to its original owner, everything went back to normal, as if nothing happened. "Quite impressive if I say so myself." The man said as he started to leave. "I am Obsidian, commander of the Dark Crystals. This isn't over, little missy." Then he disappeared. Natsu had managed to transform back and sat in front of the turtle. "Wow! That was insane! I was not ready for any of this!" She gasped, exhausted. "Well done, Crystal! You did very well for your first time!" "And don't think I didn't realize that you can talk. I must be dreaming, this is too good to be true!"

"Nope! This was all real! My name is Pearl! A citizen from the Crystalline Kingdom!" The fairy said. "You have been chosen to become a Pretty Cure, fight the Dark Crystals and find the Crystal Lights." "What on Earth are you talking about?" "You'll find out soon enough, fellow partner!" Natsu had no idea what was going on, but she decided not to question it. After all, her wish had been granted and she couldn't be happier.

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