Slammy Awards

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Cover made by QueenZain3. Follow her if you haven't yet.

Brie: So, you and Michael are now a couple, huh?

Backstage before the show, the Divas are having a chat with Saraya about her new relationship with the young McMahon.

Saraya: Yeah. It's official.

Natalya: Damn. You are lucky, Saraya. Michael is a very sweet guy.

Rebecca: Indeed. He always has a way to make things more fun when he's around.

Alicia: He can be a very good trickster, but he's mostly honest.

Saraya: Indeed. Last week we had a date at the movie theater.

Trinity: Aww. That's so cute.

Mercedes: Right? I have never seen you have a lot of fun.

Saraya: Well. It's Michael we're talking about? How can he be not fun?

Ashley: Speaking of Michael, aren't you suppose to be with him?

Saraya: He-


They turn to see someone running with someone else chasing them.


They see Michael chasing Nicholas(Dolph) through the halls before catching him.

Nick: Let me go!

Mike: Nah! You asked me too many times to follow you on Twitter, and when I did, you didn't follow me back!

Nick: Okay, okay! I'll do it! Just let me get my phone!

Nick pulls out his phone and goes to twitter, he goes to Mike's account and follows him.

Nick: There, see? Happy?

Mike: * lets him go* Good. *sees the girls* Hey girls!

Nicole: Okay. That was weird.

Saraya: *chuckles* And funny.

Mike walks towards them as Saraya goes up to him and hugs him as he hugs back.

Mike: Sorry to interrupt you all. I just hate how people ask me to follow them and when I do they don't follow back.

Ashley: Oh. Okay.

Becca: It's just weird to see you act like that.

Mike: Also, have any of you followed me on Twitter yet?

They immediately go onto their phones as show him that did...except for Alicia. She gave a small nervous chuckle before running away.

Mike: *narrowed eyes funny tone* You can run, Alicia. But you can't hide.

The girls laughed at his tone and expression, making him snap out of his little act.

Natalie: That was hilarious.

Saraya: I find it cute. Who knew the sweet Michael has a naughty side? *kisses him in the cheek*

The girls giggled again as Michael blushed a bit while rolling his eyes.

*the show begins*

After the match between Kevin Owens and Dolph Ziggler, it is time for the next Slammy Award. It for the Superstar of the Year and everyone is ready to see who will be the one to win the Award.

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome...Michael McMahon.

The crowd pops as Hail to the King plays with Michael coming out with a suit and tie along with his hair in a ponytail. He waves at the crowd before going to the podium as his theme slowly fades.

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