First Raw Appearance

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Raw, 'Onscreen'

Stephanie and Triple H was in the ring talking about Hell in a Cell. "Last night at Hell in a Cell, the WWE universe witnessed battles of mythic proportions. Scores were settled legends were made and so were debuts." Stephanie smirked, the crowd cheered knowing who she was talking about.

Triple H nodded. "And the triumphant return of Alberto Del Rio and he defeated John Cena to become the new WWE United States Champion. Last night was the emergence of the next generation of WWE Superstars."

Stephanie. "Lets not forget the man who is leading the next generation of superstars who had the biggest victory of all last night. This man defeated the Demon Kane, he's simply known as the man. He is the WWE World Heavyweight Champion, Seth Rollins!" She introduced

Seth Rollins theme hits as he walks out to boos and makes his way to the ring with his arms triumphantly held up and smiling. Seth smacks the WWE World Heavyweight Championship a few times while walking down the ramp. He embraces Triple H and Stephanie in the ring before they raise his hands the crowd boos this.

Triple H starts to speak again as his music died down. "Now you did win but it wouldn't be right if we didn't bring out someone me and my wife hold special in our hearts. And to us, this young man will make a big difference for WWE once he makes his presence known. Without further a do, please welcome the youngest member to the Roster and the Company, our son, Michael McMahon!" He then points to the stage.

The beat dropped as Michael comes out to the stage, getting a mixed reaction from the crowd. He has a in a black and green jacket and some black jeans as he looks around, excited. He makes his way to the ring. He gives some fist bumps to the fans before climbing up to the ring.

Hail to the king, hail to the one, Kneel to the crown, stand in the sun!

"There he is. The Son of the Authority", Cole said.

"He's not the son of the Authority, Michael. He's the son of the Company!", JBL said.

"And what about Seth? He's considered the Future of WWE", Byron said.

"We aren't talking about him right now. It's Michael's time, shush", JBL waved them off.

Michael hugs his father and his mother, then goes to Seth and shook hands with him, congratulating him on the win last night. He steps back a bit as his theme fades.

Stephanie shook her head turning to the two. "Seth, you have been the WWE World Heavyweight Champion for a long time. Ever since you cashed in your Money in the Bank contract at WrestleMania and changed the course of WWE history."

Triple H nodded. "We didn't make it easy on you I mean we lined up superstar after superstar, legend after legend, and you still emerged as champion. You proved us right."

"See Seth we had to make sure you were the right person to represent The Authority and lead this next generation of superstars. Seth you found a way to beat the odds just like my husband has done." She motioned to Triple H with a hand.

"Not only did Rollins win last night, he stood by his beliefs and beat Kane to oust him as Director of Operations for The Authority. You Seth Rollins made The Authority better and now it will be even more better when my son takes his first steps to greatness", Triple H said, motioning his son. Michael smiles and nods back at his father, with Stephanie smiling at him.

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