All Clear

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The next day, at the office, Michael, Paul, and Stephanie are inside, waiting for Saraya to arrive to talk about his decision. Soon, Saraya arrived at the office as Michael greets her with a warm hug as she hugs him back.

Paul: Okay. Now that everyone's here, let's begin to talk.

They nod as Michael and Saraya sat the chair, looking at his parents. Michael was a bit nervous at this, and Saraya seemed a bit neutral, though he can see in her eyes that she's nervous as well.

Stephanie: So...have you decided on your choose, sweetie?

Michael looks at Saraya and wraps his hand around hers. She gave a gentle smile as she wraps hers around his hand. He takes a deep breath to relax his nerves before looking at his parents.

Michael: Yes. I gave a lot of thought into it. And I can safely say...with 100% percent certainty...that I accept going out with Saraya.

Hunter and Steph gave him a look and silence spreads in the room. Saraya tightens her grip on her hand as Michael gives a reassuring grip for her.

Paul: I see. This is a big step for you, son. We just want to know that are you going to be responsible in this relationship?

Michael: Yes.

Stephanie: And you, Saraya?

Saraya: I do.

Again, Hunter and Stephanie turn to each other before going back to them.

Stephanie: As far as I'm concern...I will allow you two to be together.

Hunter: I agree, as well. You can trust us that we will support you, no matter what.

Both Michael and Saraya sighed in relief.

Michael: Thanks, guys. I appreciate it.

Saraya: Me too.

Stephanie: There's no need to thank us, son. We want you to be happy.

Hunter: I agree. If you want to be with Saraya, then more power to ya. We won't argue with you, and we won't judge you. You're old enough to make your own decisions and we will respect that.

Stephanie smiles as she nods in agreement. Michael and Saraya smiled back as they all stood up and hugged each other. Saraya hugs Paul while Michael hugs Stephanie. Soon, they switched with Saraya hugging Stephanie and Mike hugging Paul.

Steph: *whisper* Break his heart, and I'll break you.

Saraya: *whisper* I promise I won't do that.

They parted as Michael gave a sigh.

Michael: We're going to a walk so we can talk privately, okay?

They nod as Michael gestures Saraya to follow him as he walks out of the room. She nods and follows him, until she turns to his parents.

Saraya: By the way, your son is a good ki-

Michael covers her mouth and pulls her back out of the room. Once out of the office he lets her go.

Michael: Jesus. You didn't have to say that. Mom would've flipped if she learned we kissed yesterday.

Saraya: I don't see the problem of her knowing.

Michael sighs as they begin walking around.

Michael: going to be a bit difficult for me, since I have little experience in dating.

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